Photo from open sources
May 9, 2011 at 16:00 over the bay of the Chinese city of Haikou, Hainan Province, a unique natural phenomenon arose – a mirage. Almost an hour after that, locals could watch the whole a ghost town hanging over the sea. When “jokes” Time A lot of people gathered on the shore to see this phenomenon. The mirage is reportedly due to an abnormally high temperature. the air that has settled in recent days on Hainan Island, usually unusual for this time of year. A similar case has been observed. in China a year ago. Around 6:00 a.m. July 26, a sailor at one of patrol ships of the Chinese Navy, standing on a raid in the area of Sanya, noticed some strange tall buildings hanging between the sky and the sea. He informed the ship commander of what he saw, and, when the ship approached an obscure target, the sailors clearly saw ghost town of skyscrapers. At the same time, at 6:45, the mirage became very clear and distinct, many began to photograph him, after which he it began to fade, and at 7:12 the mirage completely dissipated. … people have seen mirages since ancient times, about which many legends. The ancient Egyptians believed that a mirage was, in particular, the ghost of a country that is no longer in the world. Similar thoughts today visited by Arabs living in the wild Libyan desert and regularly watching here absolutely incomprehensible to them extremely strange mirages, very similar to foggy pictures of real worlds! Sometimes these mirages are like clear projections of unfamiliar landscapes and large cities. Judging by the rather detailed descriptions of eyewitnesses, nothing similar to what the “mirages” show, on Earth there is no trace. A number of experts studying abnormal phenomena have expressed the assumption that in this unique place there is a certain the interpenetration of parallel worlds, and on “Earth-1” becomes you can see something from the life of Earth-2. One of the most famous places in The world for exploring mirages is Crete. Before the onset in the morning, when the fog had not yet cleared, on the coast of the island, right above sea waves near the castle of Franca Castello periodically occurs battle historical scene. Two army soldiers in the old equipment are fighting, while distinctly ringing weapons, screams. After a while, this mirage that comes from the sea and moves like a cloud, reaches the castle walls and disappears. The Cretan phenomenon was called “Drossolidides”, which is translated from Greek means “droplets of moisture.” Apparently, they are like a certain canvas, become the basis for the birth of this scene, which has passed from past to present. Phantom heavenly action is really has a retrospective beginning, the researchers say: just here, near the ancient castle, a century and a half ago bloody battle between the Greeks and Turks. For the most mysterious look mirages, called chrono-mirages, convincing explanations have not yet found. Modern science without denying the existence of unexplored properties of the Earth’s atmosphere, only suggests that sometimes such in a way Time itself “jokes”, splashing out information from “storerooms”, stored in a single energy space of the universe. Perhaps this explains the mysteries of chrono-mirages. “Hologram” in the ravine Ovda-korem Surroundings of Lake Pleshcheeva (near the city Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region) are famous for fogs, in which are chrono-mirage in the form of wandering in the grass Old Russian warriors. Mysteries lurk in the forest swamp the valley of Myasnaya Bor, in the Novgorod region. Here during the war tens of thousands of soldiers – Soviet, German, Spanish and others. Their remains are still not buried, and the locals they say that from time to time in this mystical forest figures are visible warriors and the cries of “Hurray!” are heard. “Ghost” of the ancient city of Kitezh Researchers “guard” on the bend of the Volga in the Zhiguli region and on Svetloyar Lake, Novgorod Region. According to eyewitnesses, on the surface of the lake you can sometimes see a reflection of the domes of Kitezh and hear the bell ringing. Among the fishermen on Baikal you can hear amazing stories about the lake from time to time ghostly visions of unfamiliar cities and even trains appear going over the surface of the lake. He spoke about one of these cases. scientist V.V. Lakmakin: “The boat of our expedition was in the roadstead near the village. Goloustnogo on the lake. Baikal. I could not sleep, and I went on deck. The night was very dark. Suddenly nearby in the air completely a ghostly train rushed silently. Distinctly different lighted windows, and in them are silhouettes of people. Train for a few minutes stopped, then followed on and soon melted into darkness nights. It was a mirage of a really passing train, stopping at the Boyarskaya station. From boat parking to far away, and therefore no noise was heard, but a mirage „Allowed“ to observe the composition hidden by the horizon line ”. Local residents also talk about the often recurring strange vision-mirage of convicts who rebelled against the royal soldiers. The thing is the fact that Polish convicts went to Siberia after being suppressed in Poland uprising of 1863. They worked in construction The Circum-Baikal Road, once rebelled and prepared for I’ll run through Mongolia. Their ghosts are seen in the sky by local residents. IN Kuzhenersky district of the Republic of Mari El near the village of Nursola is located the famous ravine is Ovda-korem (river witches). Here before the middle of the last century lived ovds – forest creatures covered with with hair. In the ravine there is a place called Kamai-sang, where in a certain time of day you can observe a variety of mirages. The most famous of them is described as follows: in the middle of the old city the square is a cart, and next – a girl. What kind of city is depicted in voluminous “hologram” from past times – is unclear. Mirages from … of the future! According to the researchers, chronomrage can not just to watch, but also, if lucky, get “inside it”! So, in Crimea, witnesses and at the same time participants in the next four local residents became chronomrage. Son with father and their two acquaintances drove in the “Lada” on the highway in the vicinity of Sevastopol. AND suddenly the German tigers began to cross the road. Father with son calmly got out of the car, looked at tank column and began to look with a glance of the director, extras, filming equipment … But nothing of the kind was found. A genuine horror seized them when one of the Germans turned his tank right on “Lada”. Crimeans, according to them, were saved by an excellent reaction – they jumped into the car, turned around and quickly drove back, and the “tiger” chased them for some time. Basically, of course, chronomrage is a visible picture of an event that happened in reality in the distant and not very past. But it happens the truth is rare enough when people see mirages from … the future! So, on the bank cliff of the Vyatka River in the vicinity of the village Vanyushonki Kotelnichsky district of the Kirov region, where time from eyewitnesses observe holographic three-dimensional images from the past, a local resident saw a few years ago mirage foresight. “Suddenly on the rocky massif” Falcon Mountain “, – says Albert H., – I saw a three-dimensional picture of the water surface tucked up by a slight excitement, along which into the distance an empty boat without oars sailed away. The vision was so real that I, speechless, stood under a rock as if rooted to the spot and could not take your eyes off what is happening. And the next day I almost died while trying to cross the river in order to catch untied from the landing stage, which was the base of the expedition, and the floating motor boat – the “picture” of a boat sailing into the distance seemed to warn me about this event. “Mysterious Min-Min Lights Now turn back attention to the well-known ghostly lights Min-min, regularly appearing in a deserted Australian place called Channel Country. According to legends, the Min-Min fires are the souls of the dead lingering on the ground. This phenomenon is really scary. Imagine you are sitting late at night in your room without light or wake up at night, and a beam of light flies through the window, which hovering in the middle of the room but as soon as you move your gaze or turn your head to see the cause of the light source, the light moves with your gaze. That is, he follows you like glued! Professor Jack Pettigrew of the University Queensland, interested in this phenomenon, recently came to to the conclusion that Min-Min lights are nothing more than a phenomenon a mirror mirage from small light sources, sometimes removed hundreds of kilometers away. Mirror mirages are caused by temperature inversion, where cold dense air is trapped in almost the ground under a layer of warmer air. Therefore the light is near the earth is refracted in such a way that travels along a curved trajectories around the globe. “It’s like the path of photons in fiber, no matter how you bend fiber, ”says Pettigrew. – Light is carried for hundreds of kilometers by these layers of air that trap him in some big “Air optic fiber”, the shell of which consists of a layer of warm air, and the tunnel is from cold. It does not allow light scatter. “When the light penetrates the window of the room, then you see not reflected light from objects, but are in the thickness of the beam itself light, that is, as if you get into the fiber. Therefore wherever you nor look away, a spot of light will haunt you everywhere. Comparing all these data, the scientist decided to try artificially play min min Pettigrew chose a hot day, after which followed by a cold, calm evening, drove off in his car from observers at 10 kilometers and turned on the headlights. The track was chosen deserted with a slight hilly rise. After that “twinkle Min-min, dancing over the horizon, six participants saw experiment. Headlight combined with atmospheric “tunnel” effect and cause mysterious lights, concluded after the experiment Pettigrew. But this phenomenon may be daytime. For example, in the morning after the demonstration of the night mirage of Pettigrew said everyone watched the breathtaking mirage of a distant mountain chain that confirmed his theory that the min-min phenomenon occurs due to certain atmospheric conditions at that time. “A mountain range that was usually invisible (because it located significantly below the horizon), was clearly visible on horizon and gradually disappeared when rising higher scorching the sun soon warmed the air, “said the Australian Professor.
Hologram Time China Crimea Islands