A photo from open sources
The MK Ultra project remains one of the most inhuman and outrageous designs in the history of mankind and one of the uncovered secrets of the CIA. He combines the series experiments conducted in the years 1950-1970. Their goal is control over the human mind with drugs such as LSD and mescaline.
During the experiments, subjects took psychotropic substances, affecting consciousness, after which their behavior thoroughly studied. Subjects did not even suspect that they accept.
Quite often, the experiments ended with the death of the participants. Also recorded multiple cases of severe mental disorders. Despite this, the CIA continued its brutal experiments until they were finally exposed. Moreover, in the course of twenty years, only a small some useful information. That’s why most historians, politicians and journalists believe that the driving force behind the experiment there was elementary sadism.
The head of the project was appointed CIA chief chemist Sydney Gottlieb, who launched large-scale experiments. Under the wing “MK Ultra “has created more than a hundred subsidiary programs.
The goal was formulated as follows: with the help of drugs and electricity take complete control of the human mind. Facilities: artificial amnesia, erasing old and creating new qualities personality, hypnotic encoding.
The CIA justified the initial research by searches for “serum the truth, “in order to use it in the interrogation of Russian spies.
Soldiers, prisoners, employees became experimental government organizations, debtors. They all did not even suspect that experiments are being conducted on them.
At the initial stage, the main subject of research was the study of effects of radiation on the human mind. But time passed and priorities have changed. The next main goal was to study psychotropic drugs, including LSD. Program development required attracting “recruits” – they were selected among the military and CIA agents. Often used as experimental rabbits patients in mental hospitals (with minor mental disorders such as mild depression and neurosis), prostitutes and other representatives of the marginalized sectors of society.
In his experiments (Gottlieb added elements with pleasure torture. On his orders, subjects were given horse doses of LSD. IN in one experiment, “volunteers” took drugs for two or more months, as a result of which most persistent mental disorders. Few survived.
Secrets of the CIA: maniacs in white coats
Interesting fact: the longer the project lasted, the more inhuman and inhumane became the methods used “researchers.” But even at that price, experiments did not bring no positive results. And nevertheless continued!
Here is just one typical example of Midnight Operation climax. “Recruited by CIA agents in San Francisco first euthanized their clients, and then injected them with LSD. Agents followed further victim behavior. From this operation, just like from the whole program, no useful data was extracted. Does not cause doubt that the purpose of the vile experiments was to satisfy the lascivious interests of its leadership … However, it took more than ten years, to stop this cruel machine destroying people meaningless and aimless.
Later it turned out that the behavior of the project manager of the doctor Sydney Gottlieb was already in doubt at that time. Surprisingly, the doctor himself was taking large doses of LSD. And although one by one facts appeared confirming the complete failure of the experiment, Gottlieb never ceased to say that drugs are the strongest weapon in mind control.
The fact that LSD is useless as a substance controlling the mind is not stopped the team “MK Ultra”, which continued to put more and more dangerous experiments on their unfortunate victims. In some cases, a drip of a mixture of amphetamine and barbiturate, resulting in confusion, and often death. In addition to LSD, amphetamines and barbiturates, the team MK Ultra began to use other narcotic substances, such like heroin, marijuana, mescaline and alcohol.
The most tragic consequences were the experiments of Dr. I. Cameron, who put forward the theory of “mental leadership”, introducing into human consciousness (or deleting) some information. Tested here paralytic
– gases and poisons, real torture was used: electroshock therapy, prolonged medical coma, sleep deprivation, repeated repetition of sound signals and others striking their cruelty methods … It is not surprising that by the end of the “treatment” the survivors irreparable damage was caused to patients. They turned into incurable crazy.
Belated apologies
1974 year. New York Times publishes an article on the twenty-year history of MK Ultra.
Material evidence was immediately requested, but a significant part of them disappeared without a trace … To the truth never surfaced, many of the records of the MK Ultra experiments were destroyed. Nevertheless, the information was enough to to understand how great the scale of lawlessness was. Over 30 universities and other research institutions were involved in a cruel project. Moreover, most scientists were well aware that experiments were completely meaningless from a scientific point of view. But the CIA was not interested in their opinion.
The first official victim was named military biochemist Frank Olson, who worked on the production of secret weapons. Without him Olson’s knowledge was crammed with LSD and committed suicide by jumping out of window.
1994 year. Olson’s body is exhumed. Examination showed that before the “jump” out of the window the dead man received a strong blow on the head and was unconscious …
Another famous experiment participant is a professional tennis player Harold Bauer died of an overdose of mescaline. A how many unknowns? ..
After a series of shocking revelations of some CIA secrets The U.S. government has launched a series of investigations, during which revealed new terrifying facts of the experiments.
Litigation of Experienced People continue to this day. What new inhuman experiments on American special services are engaged in people, does not know yet the state, neither the press, nor ordinary citizens, and some of which they don’t even suspect that they are already secret objects experiments.