Sevastopol residents will revive the ancient wine variety

Sevastopol residents will revive the ancient variety of winePhotos from open sources of

Winemakers from Sevastopol got the opportunity to start grow a grape variety that was widely used at one time Chersonesus Greeks. The plant was discovered long ago by Soviet specialists on the remains of an ancient choir – a territory that citizens of the ancient polis used for rural economy. Grapes look like a modern technical grade pinot noir.

In the time of Chersonesos, the current Sevastopol was one large vineyard. Since the ancient period, a variety has remained here, which was found back in Soviet times and identified as Eurasian species Vitis Vinifera. Called “Chersonese” grapes, nevertheless, they did not investigate thoroughly, in particular, no one wanted to analyze the plant’s DNA, finding out where it came from and which branch it belongs to. Ukraine was also not up to it, but now it can be done.

Currently, the “Chersonese” variety is in the collection Institute of grapes and wine “Magaracha”. Specialists are planning to propagate grapes and plant it in the Crimea, which in theory will allow residents and guests of the Russian peninsula enjoy wine, which the ancient Greeks drank. It is noteworthy that in Greece itself there are no more such varieties, since they have long been mixed with by others.

Cultivation of autochthonous (belonging to the origin of this territory) grape varieties can allow Sevastopol winemakers enter the world market. In the Republic of Crimea, such honeycombs there are about seventy, among the most famous can be distinguished Kokur, Jevat Kara and Kefesiyu. Some of the original Crimean varieties grapes are now represented by two or three bushes, under threat of complete extinction.

In any case, for the production of a unique wine of “Chersonese” Crimeans first need to accumulate significant research base. It’s good that after joining Crimean winegrowers have their hands untied to Russia, given more freedom and they do not oppress only because they are Russian by origin.

DNA Time Crimea Plants Russia Sevastopol

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