Shadow phenomenon – is it alive?

The shadow phenomenon - is it alive?A photo from open sources

If all the phenomena in this world had exclusively materialistic explanations, then the world, firstly, significantly poorer from an artistic and aesthetic point of view, for many masterpieces would simply not be created, and, secondly, all the secrets Universes would be revealed a long time ago.

However, this world is not as simple as it seems to the materialists, and often his secrets are much deeper than you can imagine. A some secrets appearing in our world have connections with worlds other, parallel or otherwise. This applies to the phenomenon of shadow.


From the point of view of materialism, everything is very simple. Shadow is a sign obstructed light. Or, to use a completely scientific language, spatial optical phenomenon that is expressed visually a perceptible silhouette that appears on any surface thanks to the presence of an object between it and the light source. Just a thing. However, official science is not able to explain why the shadow in many cultures are awestruck and why rituals, associated with shadows, so many, and why they exist in practice in all cultures throughout human civilization.

Probably because for many peoples the shadows are dark entities of their own nature. Shadow is often considered a double. man and even the soul. In a number of languages, shadow and soul are designated by one in a word. No wonder in ancient Greek culture hell was inhabited precisely the shadows of the dead. In the Egyptian tombs of the New Kingdom there are many images in which the black shadow of the deceased accompanied soul birds leaves the grave. And in the “Book of the Dead” are written such words: “May the path be open to my shadow, to my soul, so that on the day of judgment in the other world saw the great God. ” the sanctuary of the sun god in Amarna was so called— “Shadow of Ra.”

There are also curious cave paintings from quite archaic times where people have strange elongated silhouette-shaped outlines. Scientists have suggested that in reality these are not people, but their shadow, the very image of a person was forbidden.

Shadow souls lead a semi-material existence and are capable of interfere in the affairs of the living. It is from here that they take their origin many funeral rites designed, on the one hand, to help dead, and on the other – appease them. Lack of shadow is a sign that a person is dead. That’s why vampires have no shadow, and indeed the devil is deprived of it, for he is the enemy of light in every sense. By the way who makes a deal with him, also loses the shadow. Witches, like witches vampires, there is no shadow. If there are no god-made deals “took shape”, but a person does not see his own shadow – he soon must die.

Superstition OR …?

There are still signs that came to us from gray-haired antiquities. Very many try not to step on their own shadow or they take care not to fall into the shadow of another person. IN some tribes tread on someone else’s shadow is tantamount to deadly insult. In ancient times, if a slave stepped on his shadow Mr., he was executed immediately, as they say – without leaving places. And under the pharaohs there even existed a special person who he made sure that Pharaoh did not step on his own shadow.

Among the Serbs, participants in the ritual rounds walked facing the sun to Do not accidentally trample your shadows. And in general, they distinguished the shadow soul (sen) and shadow-double objects (hay). Shadow-soul has no only man, but also trees, stones, animals, this is what gives im special magical power.

Bulgarians watched their shadows at the first rays of the sun on Ivan Kupalu: if the shadow was whole, then all year will be healthy.

In Russia, it was believed that the shadow could become a source of ailment, because which the person dries and withers, and in this case the shadow must be removed and destroy. To do this, they put the patient against the wall, circled him the shadow was chalked or chipped with pins and measured with a thread. Then lower burned, and pins were put under the threshold, asking the shadow to pick up the disease. Belarusians acted in approximately the same way: they carried the patient to sunny day in the yard, laid on the board, circled it, and then the board was burned.

A photo from open sources

There is another terrible rite that came from antiquity. we wonder why many old buildings are not destroyed. Yes because the foundation then necessarily put some living creature or its shadow. The effect was, by the way, one – the victim was dying, and the house became strong, and the disturbed spirit of the earth, receiving a sacrifice, pacified.

Sometimes builders deliberately lured to the construction site nothing suspicious person, secretly measured his shadow with a rope, and after measure was bricked up with the first stone. A man whose soul is a shadow so caught, in 40 days he died, and his spirit settled in new house as a keeper, next to the rope. And so that by chance brick your own shadow, ancient masons never worked against the sun.

In Romania, theft of shadows is “practiced” so far. And not so long ago even a trial was held over the fact that one a neighbor accused the other of stealing his father’s shadow. The plaintiff argued that the accused, when he was building his new house, “took the shadow” from his father with using a rope and laid the foundation of the home, resulting in the man, strong and not sick, died unexpectedly. Eyewitnesses in court also claimed that the ghost of the deceased now roams around the house, where his captured soul is buried.

The church shadow was considered very good, which is why burials under the canopy of temples were the most honorable, for the deceased found himself under the highest protection.


Nowadays, many magical rites have leaked to the masses, where the main role is played by the shadow. So, if you do not want to part with to your beloved – pin his shadow with a pin to the curtain or to your clothes. You can also scrape dust in the place where the shadow fell missus, collect in a bottle and carry at the heart, but you can just circle the shadow of a loved one in order to avoid separation.

Do you want to win the dispute – step on the throat of your shadow opponent. If you want to get rid of a malicious foe in the office – catch its shadow: glue or seal it with wax, then sweep the floor, “noticing” the shadow on the scoop, and then throw out the garbage, previously spitting on him.

Just contacting the world of shadows, remember that they are creatures insidious, and you can expect anything from them. They don’t play with themselves forgive. And if the shadow starts to affect you, say ancient spell: “Shadow, know your place!”


As for science, British and Italian scientists a curious experiment was recently conducted: they acted the most diverse stimuli on … the shadows of the hands of the subjects. AND a curious picture emerged: the participants in the experiments reacted to hand shadow stimuli exactly as if these stimuli acted on the arm itself.

“The results confirm the intuitive connection that people feel in relation to its shadow outline, – summed up the experiment Professor Margaret Livingston. – We all experienced in childhood unwillingness to step on one’s shadow. This means that the brain, defining body position in space, uses visual hints, which he receives not only from limbs, but also from the shadow. ”

And maybe in the brain is stored information that our people knew ancestors, about the mystical properties of the shadow and how to deal with it behave? In psychology, the term “shadow” is understood as intuitive part of the soul that is often suppressed.

Psychologists say that the shadow is a projection of the back side personality, and if you are good – your shadow is terrible, and vice versa. In dreams the shadow is hiding under the guise of monsters or defective characters. Especially often they appear during the formation of personality or serve as a sign that you need to change your own behavior.


And there are so-called shadows of Hiroshima. Here it is, with one hand, the point of view of physics is precisely explained. Shadows of Hiroshima – effect arising from the action of light radiation when nuclear explosion, and represents silhouettes on a burnt out background in places where the spread of radiation was interrupted by the human body or animal.

Shadows of Hiroshima

Shadow of a man sitting on the stairs at the time of the explosion before entering the bank, 250 meters from the epicenter.

A photo from open sources

Shadows on the bridge

A photo from open sources

The shadow of a standing man on the steps

A photo from open sources

In Hiroshima, the epicenter of the explosion fell on the Aion Bridge, where there were shadows of nine people. But maybe intense the radiation not only imprinted the silhouettes of people on the surface, but caught their shadows, and even souls, like the same pin or scotch tape, chained forever to the damned city.

Another case cannot be rationally explained, also associated with the war. There is a small town in Germany Bietigheim, in which terrible things happen: on the walls of houses once in ten years by themselves human shadows appear, moving like alive.

This happened in 2001, in 1991, and, possibly, earlier. These shadows appear on the anniversary of the terrible event – the mass execution Jews in 1941 when thousands of people were taken out of town and destroyed. That it is an otherworldly reminder of the living, urban curse or revenge of shadows?

Aventina Rossi

Doubles Stones Sun

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