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Many people believe that all sharks are viviparous marine fish, However, this is not the case. Thirty percent of all sharks are (or remain) ovipositor. And the bulk of these marine predators belong to the cat shark family.
A photo from open sources
Oviparous also include whale and zebra sharks, katraobraznye predators and all kinds of different-toothed sharks. Wherein all these egg-laying sharks are characterized by internal fertilization, in which this process occurs in their upper section oviduct, and only then the eggs are sent to the lower sections, where supplied with shell shells. It is these shells that strike every imagination …
The fact is that the shells of eggs in sharks are supplied with all kinds of “jewelry”, which may seem not only unusual, but even fantastic, because they have very strange growths, amazing threads and even mysterious spiral ledges. However, see for yourself and judge how comparable shark eggs are, say, with go even bird snakes if you, of course, saw them.
A photo from open sources
Amazing shark eggs once again prove to us how much diverse and amazing is the world surrounding the person about whom he is in at best knows only the most insignificant little. Yes and even that applies only to those people (most likely, to you, if you read these lines), which are distinguished by curiosity and the inquisitiveness of the mind. The rest of the inhabitants in general, as they say, further they don’t see their nose. It’s a pity…
A photo from open sources