Siberian family of mammoths put up for auction

The Siberian family of mammoths put up for auctionPhoto from open sources

Skeletons of 5 woolly mammoths, accidentally found 15 years ago Siberian builders were put up for sale in English County West Sussex. For the first time in history, world museums have received the opportunity to acquire the remains of an entire family of extinct elephants.

The prehistoric family, according to the British, consists of adult males and females, as well as 3 of their children, ages 9, 8 and 1 of the year. According to naturalist Rupert van der Werff, who works at the Summers Place Auctions auction house in Billingshurst, skeletons were delivered here in 16 crates and For a long time gathered by experts – as a designer.

It is predicted that the remains will be acquired by a certain museum or even a private collector for an amount in the region of 500 thousand dollars. For museums this is a very impressive amount, therefore cultural and educational institution will first have to get adequate funding to make such a purchase.

According to the official version, woolly mammoths inhabited 200-300 thousand years ago in Siberia, spreading from there to Europe and North America. Males of this species reached a height of 2.8-4 meters, that is, they were not much higher than modern elephants. Their weight could make up to 8 tons, which is also significantly more than that of elephants. These majestic animals died out about 10 thousand years ago, during the end time of the Last Ice Age.

Mammoth Time

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