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In anticipation of the New Year and Christmas holidays, advancing against the backdrop of not the simplest political and economic situations, many are covered by mystical moods. In particular, it is on these days that we recall various signs and superstitions. I wonder why this “obscurantism” sometimes plays such an important role. in our life? Let’s figure it out … Many of the superstitions in the shower laugh at their weaknesses and fears. And nevertheless, they try don’t say hello over the threshold, go around oncoming traffic with empty buckets, cats crossing the road and so on … And after all, signs are often really come true! Each nation has its own superstitions. For example, Russians believe that spilling salt is a quarrel … We knock wood for luck, not suspecting that this ritual is connected with the ancient we believe that deities live in the trunks of trees, we hang a horseshoe for good luck over the entrance to the house … The Chinese, in their in turn, they sweep litter out of the house extremely reluctantly – it’s believed that that wealth is swept out along with garbage … If the Japanese puts on new shoes and goes out into them after the onset of darkness, which means that he most imprudently brings to trouble yourself. It is just as unreasonable if he lays down sleep head north. And what to do if seen in tricks neighbor? And most likely – salt it … In the truest sense of the word. Showers the source of trouble with salt – the surest way to change life for the better. The Scots have not decided to throw into the fire vegetables and bring a shovel into the house, otherwise you can bury someone from relatives … And three swans swimming together are almost a sign impending disaster! Gypsies must be on fire the wagon, the owner of which ordered a long life (the chain is broken evil), do not drink from a stream if a woman has crossed it before this … Jews find it unacceptable to show their babies reflection in the mirror until the first teeth of the kids erupt … Nigerians firmly believe that if you hit a man with a broom, he will certainly lose its masculine power. To prevent this from happening, you must give change with the same broom. There is a mass “professional” will accept. For example, for motorists. So, Before taking exams in a driving school, do not wash your hair, but under heel is recommended to put a nickle on luck … You can’t wash the car in front of a long journey … If your car is photographed – wait accident … If you hit hard from the back – to add money, if front – to decrease … Do not whistle in the cabin – stop the traffic cop … Not to good to get around the car in front. It is also not recommended to urinate on the car – to an accident … Aviators are not far behind the carrier. In flight you need to wear at least one already “flying” thing … If the first of passengers will board a man, the flight will be easy … You can’t cut nails before departure … Just like shaving in flight … Categorically it is not recommended to whistle on board … Point a finger at the sky – to bad, bad weather … Do not scold the plane, otherwise it is possible breakdown … Loss of stewardess earrings – to troubles in flight … Its “superstitious” traditions among computer scientists. With the advent of the web there was a belief in Internet brownies, which are called here “home”. They, they say, settle on the site, spoil individual files and erase pictures … Some users think that home can appease. Just put it in the main directory pretty picture, respectively, entitled, and “master” The site will be looking at it for days. If unexpectedly delete this file, then this “bloke” will continue to buzz … There is more “computer” signs. Stumble upon a banner link to religious site – to trouble, and better away from sin return to starting position … Software Engineer V. Golikov considers that when communicating with electronics, the law enters into force reverse interaction. The man adapts to the car, and a car – to a man … So, if a stranger sits on your computer, then a machine can seem to start to “fail” for no reason. AND drivers, and aviators, and computer scientists, and “mere mortals” are not it will hinder to listen to the advice of psychologists who consider hobby superstitions and talismans one of the elements of the neurotic disorder, when the world around us seems to a person unstable. And to alleviate this neurosis to a large extent will help sense of humor. Although it’s not so easy to discount signs still worth the tradition!
A life