Signs of heaven

The signs of heavenPhoto from open sources

Even in ancient times, chronicles of Greece, Egypt, the Roman Empire reported heavenly signs when strange things appeared in heaven motionless and moving pictures and even quite meaningful signs, letters, numbers. It is known that one of these signs promised another military victory for Julius Caesar, which happened later. IN the Middle Ages many prints and paintings of artists captured for us some of these phenomena, such as the “sign” over Nuremberg on April 14, 1561. Danish flag known as Dannebrog is probably one of the oldest national flags in the world. According to legend, his story begins from the time when Danish crusaders led by King Waldemar II The winner fought against the pagans of the Estonians. The fight went on until the Estonians called to arms all their warriors in St. Vitus Day, June 15, 1219. The Danes were brought to confusion with a brutal and unexpected attack, but suddenly, like a sign of God, a gigantic blood red flag descended from heaven with white cross. Retreating Danish soldiers caught the flag and screaming “Forward to victory under the sign of the Cross” won the battle. Not no definite evidence that Dannebrog appeared so early; his first image appeared in Wapenboek Gelre during second half of the 14th century But maybe Dannebrog originally (xii c.) was used as a banner in the Crusades. Most likely the theory that Dannebrog was used in the same way as flags for territories on the borders of the Holy Roman Empire, most of which depicts a white cross on red or red on white. However, our contemporaries also witnessed the “heavenly messages” people living and living in the enlightened XX century. One of them – founder of modern astronautics Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky: “This is what happened to me on May 31, 1928, in the evening, at eight o’clock. After reading or some other work, I went out freshen up on the covered glazed balcony. He was addressed to northwest. In this direction I looked at the sunset. It is not yet came in, and it was quite light. The weather was half cloudy and the sun was covered by clouds. Almost at the very horizon I saw, without any flaws, as if printed, horizontally located next to three letters: Ch A U. It is clear that they are composed of clouds and were at a distance of versts 20-30 (because it is close to horizon). As long as I looked at them, they changed their shape. I was very surprised by the correctness of the letters, but what does “CHOW” mean? Not on what language I know doesn’t make sense. In a minute I entered in the room to write down the date and the very word as it was inscribed by clouds. Immediately it occurred to me to take the letters for latin. Then I read “PARADISE.” That already made sense. The word was pretty gone, but what to do? Take what they give. Under the word cloud there was something like a slab or tomb (I did not pay attention). I I understood it all this way: after death – the end to all our torment, that is what I proved in “Monism of the Universe”. Thus saying high syllable, the sky itself confirmed my assumptions. IN entities, these are clouds. But what powers gave them a form that has specific and appropriate meaning? For 70 years I have never suffered from hallucinations, never drunk wine and aphrodisiacs never took (not even smoked). Projection lamp could not give these images in bright daylight, moreover in large these images would not be visible and distorted … if anyone if I wanted to play a joke at home, I would write in Russian “PARADISE” … When I returned to the balcony, there was no more word. My room is on the second floor, and I didn’t have time to call anyone, especially since I saw only a curiosity, because he read nonsense in Russian. “CHOW” in English means ray and reads ray. You might think, though tautly, that the sunset of life (death) gives the light (ray) of knowledge. “This is strange the phenomenon observed by Tsiolkovsky, unexpectedly, after half a century, Received documentary evidence. December 2, 1990 Kazakhstan meteorologists recorded photos on a telegraph clouds transmitted from the American meteorological satellite. To their amazement, over the Caspian, in the break of clouds, they shone giant letters. And the situation with their reading arose exactly the same as Tsiolkovsky described: there were three letters, and if you look from the equator, then read the Latin “JVL”, from the side of the pole – Russian “GLS”. Having decided that someone’s equipment is floundering – either ours, either American, meteorologists contacted neighbors in Uzbekistan. They confirmed that the same picture is in their pictures. But it turns out they sinned in vain on the American satellite: in the pictures taken from Soviet meteorological satellite “Meteor-3”, the same picture! Only this time some reasonable interpretation of these three letters could not be given. However, meteorologists recalled that a year before this, October 15, 1989, in the sky over Salsk (Rostov area) a whole set of signs and numbers appeared that tried decrypt by many researchers. October 24, 1990 at 21.15 above Kokichev farm and the nearby Krasnodonetskaya station appeared Four bright squares with flames inside. Squares as if projected by rays in the sky and formed a black cross. Then next to the cross appeared the numbers “2001”, divided in the middle a small burning circle, and the signs “?!”. According to some observers, the size of the signs exceeded 100 meters! Just right ask the same question with an exclamation mark: what would it be meant? By the way, squares and question marks. In general, 1990 was unique. In different places of the then existing Union in the sky there were signs, figures, including human, mathematical numbers and symbols. Like a giant used the sky and clouds as slate board. Well, it would be somehow clear if these “heavenly the signs “were timed to 1991, the year of the putsch, although The previous year was very stormy in the history of our country. Weird another: since someone using the “heavenly screen” for their exercises, knows letters and numbers well, so write specifically what do you want or warn against, and do not make senseless rebuses! No wonder one of the ufologists called these “doomsday” 1990 “heavenly poltergeist.” Given the above subsequent events in their temporal sequence demonstrate a clear tendency to complicate the “pictures”. The morning of April 3 Three rectangles appeared above the Krasnodar Porcelain Factory, which then transformed into three semicircles, three points and three dotted lines. At one in the morning of July 9, V. Burovaya from the village of Davydove Orekhovo-Zuevsky district of the Moscow region noticed in the sky unusual cloud, turned into a kind of screen. On him from right to left drawings began to appear: a house without a roof with three luminous windows (or maybe a schoolbag?), something similar to skull, obscure signs resembling hieroglyphs, a human body with a cylinder on his head. His eyes suddenly opened, and of them light beams spattered toward the earth. Then the rays disappeared, the pupils narrowed to the dashes and disappeared, and then the figure disappeared. The whole “session” lasted 8 minutes. At 7.30 pm on June 20, Odessa citizen E. Chudina I saw an oval-shaped gray cloud from the window of my apartment, which is then split in two. In the resulting opening appeared sitting in a chair a woman with a crown on her head and in a long golden dress (!). “Session” lasted 15 minutes. According to the newspaper “Soviet Moldova”, an even more impressive picture was observed in beginning of October 1990, passengers on a bus bound for the village Rybitsa. An orange female figure appeared right in the cloudless sky the size of a full vault! The impression was like a woman leaned back freely in the chair. The outlines of her were clearly visible. profile, fluffy loose hair, high chest. Her legs were covered with falling fabric. This pattern was observed during half an hour, then it disappeared, leaving a yellow blurry in the sky spot. You can, of course, write off such phantasmagoria for fiction journalists, but in the sky above the strip of the German-Russian front in 1914 the year a huge female figure was watched by thousands of German and Russian soldier! A rumor immediately went that it was a vision of the Virgin Mary, blessing a soldier to victory (one asks, what?). Well, ours literature, when it came to this case, “explained”: “Virgo Maria “appeared with the help of a powerful projection flashlight! Amazingly, a similar explanation for “heavenly cinema” was given yet in the book of V. Fulk, devoted to atmospheric phenomena and published in … 1640 year. Until now, this book is striking a truly scientific approach to the question and deep criticism of superstitious ideas: “All these visions can be triggered in two ways: artificial and natural. Artificially, they are called using certain mirrors and tools made according to the secret laws of science, which is called CATOPTRICA (the science of mirrors and light reflection). However, as a rule, these phenomena occur naturally when air, due to its properties, suddenly begins to reflect everything what is and is happening on Earth. ”

The sun

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