Singing mice of Costa Rica and Panama

The Singing Mice of Costa Rica and PanamaPhotos from open sources of

Unusual rodents live in the rainforests of Panama and Costa Rica – Alston mice. True, some biologists believe that Scotinomys teguina are closer in kinship to hamsters than to mice. However, not this is their uniqueness, and the fact that these little animals can sing.

True, only males sing, creating hundreds of vocal “phrases”, the combination of which allows these gentlemen to attract females, warn rivals, guard your territory, and so on. Surprisingly, males in the mating season or in the case of some disagreements (due to the same territory) are sung alternately, not interrupting each other, like the most educated gentlemen.

Researchers at New York University determined that vocals in the brain of Alston mice, there is a special zone, similar to that of the person is responsible for speech and the same vocal abilities. For instance, you never wondered why you build phrases so easily even the most difficult, without thinking at all about it, where melodies are born in your head and so on? And the thing is precisely in motor area of ​​the brain, in violation of which a person loses ability to speak, for example, with autism, stroke, injuries heads.

People for experiences neurobiological effects on this an area, of course, is not good, says one of the scientists New York University Michael Long, but because we still do not we understand the mechanism of work of this area of ​​the brain, the reasons disturbing her. But it turns out Scotinomys teguina mice are beautiful experimental animals for neurobiological purposes, and they are, I think, will help us reveal secrets in this field of medicine.

Meanwhile, the males of Alston continue to sing their musical arias in the forests of Panama and Costa Rica, not even suspecting their singing matters not only for communication in their community, but also for person. However, we suggest you listen to a small fragment such vocals and evaluate it yourself (see video).

In conclusion, we add: American University researchers Duke found out that almost all mice sing. True their singing occurs in a range that a person does not hear. Turns out that only Scotinomys teguina can sing so that they can be heard even people. I wonder why they were given such a talent, or maybe such a punishment? ..

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