Sisters threw dried brother during harvesting

A photo from open sources

In Japan, two sisters lived in the same apartment for more than a year. his brother’s mummified corpse before they discovered him demise. The remains of 48-year-old Macau Tadano were found in his bedroom during cleaning before moving to new housing. It turned out that the deceased, long before his death, began to lead an extremely secluded image life, preferring not to leave his room. According to women, The last time they saw their relative was in 2010. Long time until that time, he had ceased even greeting the sisters. Relatives, apparently, this state of affairs is not at all embarrassed. Having stumbled upon a corpse during cleaning, the women were frightened and decided to get rid of him. To do this, they cut the body of the deceased to pieces, laid them out in bags and carried them out into the trash can next to home. “I was very scared that they could push against us charges, therefore, and decided to get rid of this “trash”, – said one of the sisters was subsequently a police officer. The remains were discovered local workers who reported everything to law enforcement organs. The exact cause of death is not yet known, but according to police officers, there is no evidence of her violent character. No charges were brought against the sisters.


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