A photo from open sources
The founder of Soviet cosmonautics S. Korolev, among others also dealt with the problem of the astronaut returning to Earth after implementation of a scientific program. It’s not enough to send a person to space, you need to return it! The first astronauts returned to lowered capsules. And if the accident? What then? Is it real in this case to get out of the apparatus and descend to Earth by parachute? Questions At altitudes above 4,000m, it drops significantly percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere. Due to oxygen after thirty -60 seconds of starvation, “active consciousness” is turned off and to solve the simplest puzzle (such as “take away from your year birth 20 “) have to make incredible mental efforts. The first few minutes, the astronaut will fall with the unthinkable speed. How will his body behave in this case? Free the falling body heats up to superhigh temperatures. Discarded mannequins were found with charred limbs, without noses and without ears. Will the protective suit stand? And if the astronaut falls into a fall corkscrew? When rotating over 140 rpm, the brain is separated from spinal cord and digs into the upper part of the skull. To open my eyes I had to open my eyelids with my fingers. When tested in a centrifuge in some pilots such a quantity of blood rushed to the head that blood vessels burst. They called this “red veil” this condition. Will the person endure upcoming overloads? There was only one way get an answer to all these questions – check in practice. Joseph Kittinger’s jump In the late 50s in the United States launched Excelsior project to create a safe parachute system for pilots flying at high altitudes.
A photo from open sources As part of the project, August 16, 1960 American pilot Joseph Kittinger climbed on a stratosphere balloon to a height of 31.300 meters and made a jump. But firstly, the Americans they were in no hurry to share the results with the USSR, and secondly, Kittinger used to open the main parachute stabilizing. The USSR needed a “clean” experiment with absolutely free fall. Secret project “Star” November 1, 1962 years, the Volga stratospheric balloon (72.900 cbm) rose into the sky. Gondola was an exact capsule in which he returned from his Flight Yu. Gagarin. Test pilots Major Eugene flew up Andreev and Colonel Peter Dolgov. When the altimeter needle crossed mark 25.500 meters, the command “jump” was received from the ground.
A photo from open sources the first gondola in conventional aviation Andreev left the high-altitude suit. He flew 24.500 m in 4 minutes. 30seconds, accelerating to 900km / h. The descent was normal, without PE, the search team found Andreev, though not immediately, but alive and healthy. Debt jumped in a specially designed spacesuit, and according to the task was to open the parachute immediately after emissions from a gondola. He was found in the sky and the search party literally took Dolgov into her arms. The pilot was dead. Probably, after Andreev’s jump, the gondola rocked and Debt, when he left the capsule, hit his head and the ledge of the hatch. A microcrack formed, the suit was depressurized. As I found out commission, Debts, apparently hearing the whistle flowing out of the suit air, took out a knife and began to cut the slings of the parachute. The pilot hoped in free fall, descend to heights rich in oxygen and there to use a reserve parachute, but did not manage to cut the slings, suffocated. Both testers became Heroes of the Soviet Union, Debts – posthumously. For 50 years no one tried to repeat the jump Soviet testers. Baumgartner’s Jump
Photos from open sources
October 14, 2012 43-year-old Austrian baseball felix Baumgartner jumped from a height of 39.450 meters. In free fall he fell at a speed of 1357.6 km / h and became the first person breaking the sound barrier without an engine. However free Felix’s fall lasted 4 minutes 20 seconds, i.e. record Evgenia Andreeva 4 min. 3 sec and remained unbroken. Strictly saying, space starts at 100 km, space located at altitudes of 11-50km. called the stratosphere. But already from these heights our planet seems small and defenseless, and man feels a speck of dust in the vastness of space.
Posted by Klim Podkova