Sleep remains an unsolved mystery

Sleep remains an unsolved mystery.Photos from open sources of

Why do we need a dream and what is a dream? These two Question torment man for centuries. But it turns out ancient people knew more about the nature of sleep than modern scientists.

For example, Canadian researchers even learned how to get involved with consciousness of a sleeping person, that is, connect to his sleep and receive answers from a sleeping person to questions asked to him. But have Canadian scientists advanced even one iota in understanding that is a dream and a dream? This is what the new story is about. A documentary for your attention.

Probably each of us knows, or at least heard, that a person can learn (during long trainings) to see conscious dreams. Thanks to this, he gets an opportunity through dreams, in whom he is not a passive and limp viewer, but a creator and a real magician, influence events in real life. People who have achieved lucid dreams, they say that it is something incredibly fantastic and even magical. At least much more fun than anyone even the coolest, most modern computer games. However conscious dreams are fraught with danger, since man is still he doesn’t know what dreams are and why they are needed, and why sometimes it’s not possible to wake up, which is why people who practice conscious dreams, often just disappear from this reality.

A photo from open sources

On the other hand, what are prophetic dreams? Everyone knows about them, probably there is no such person who at least once in his life is not had a prophetic dream. It turns out that dreams are somehow connected with other, higher worlds. It is no coincidence in a dream to us dead relatives, friends come and warn us about danger, in a dream we can experience the most vivid feelings, remembering your past lives and much more.

Our dreams are a whole cosmos of unsolved mysteries. And comprehension of it much more significant for humans than flights into real space. Perhaps only one thing is related to them: in the study of both modern scientists use too primitive methods. Via we will never fly them farther than our solar system – in the same way we will never know what a dream and a dream are …

A life

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