A photo from open sources
Despite the fact that a person has arrogated to himself rationality, having deprived them all other world around, this world itself, and especially the animal one, constantly, as they say, wipes his proud Homo sapiens nose. Moreover wipes not only in rationality, but also in unique abilities, which seem fantastic to man, for he himself is not only them he doesn’t possess, but he cannot even really explain, in spite of all his scholarship …
Riding a ram does not always end safely
A photo from open sources
We offer you to watch fun and at the same time instructive video taken at the end of last month. On it you can see how Nepal resident brings a flock of sheep to the capital market of Kathmandu.
Since the animals were intended for sale, the owner in decides to demonstrate its high form of advertising for its product quality, namely endurance and health of sheep. To this end, he decides to ride one of them.
He succeeds to this extent, since the friends of Nepalese cattle breeders with pleasure removed a horse on a ram in a video of their smartphones. But what happened next was obviously not expected by anyone, but because the unique record was most likely made by accident, when the operator hesitated and for some reason did not turn off the camcorder, despite the fact that the shepherd has already jumped from the ram and headed away from flocks – towards their friends.
And here the most interesting thing happens: the offended sheep, not accustomed, apparently, to be treated so unceremoniously, turns, almost instantly overtakes the insolent and strongly butts him back, causing the shepherd to fly into the air and then fall on the ground. And an animal with a sense of accomplishment is proudly joins herd.
So consider after that that the sheep are stupid and don’t understand anything, not to mention some high feelings of these animals. Ah no they all understand, they all feel, they just can’t say. But impudent butting – easily …
Mountain goat phenomenon
Mountain goats, although difficult to compare with domestic sheep, however they have something in common, and therefore in this article we will consider the uniqueness of these animals in terms of their fantastic the ability to run over steep cliffs, clearly breaking the laws gravity. The fact is that few people have seen mountain the goat at the same time breaks into the abyss. But birds sometimes fall to the ground…
A photo from open sources
Biologists, for example Italian Federica Grassi, explain quite simply, they say, mountain goats have narrow and hard hooves, able to move apart and clasp tightly with their soft pads (like suckers), a stone protrusion on the rocks. Plus, a great sense of balance due to extremely sensitive ears that can catch even a slight breath breeze, as well as sharp vision, allowing you to choose the right stones for movement – and here you have almost fantastic pictures, when rather large animals jump over steep cliffs, as if flutter through the air.
A photo from open sources
But here is what strikes the inquiring mind: why mountain goats never are mistaken and, one might say, do not break into the abyss. It can’t so it’s such that at least some pebble in the rock is not turned out to be shaky. Scientists are true and here they find an explanation, they say, in in this case, the animal immediately jumps to another ledge. But how you can push off a pebble that crumbles under a hoof when the animal is still descending on him? ..
By the way, Morocco is far from mountainous, and domestic goats jump on tree branches of argania, enjoying its fruits (see this video), easily reach the very tops and … also never are falling. How do they determine that a particular branch will sustain them the weight that it is not broken by the previous goat is not clear …
And there are no such phenomena in the animal kingdom …