Photo from open sources
Everyone knows what clouds are: and how, passed school. This is steam, its condensed product as a result water cycle in nature. But sometimes we watch these “products” and clearly see that they are alive and intelligent. Like this may be?
Cloud Parade
Researcher Sergey Alekseenko in 1975 faced with an air parade of clouds over the White Sea. Flying over Kandalaksha lip in a helicopter, a scientist drew attention to cumulus clouds that are lined up in squares and clearly observed distance in this formation. Moreover, these clouds were rebuilt in tape then squares again. Unfortunately, Sergey did not have video cameras, and he could only sketch such a miracle – here you are water vapor!
Today everyone carries a camera in their pocket in the form of “add-on” to a mobile phone, why we can, for example, admire the strange cloud-ball that appeared in the sky above Japan.
Photo from open sources
Clouds – observers
There are even more tales of clouds that have behaved. as if they were watching or even spying on events. Cameraman Nikolai Vasiliskov tells how in 1980 he, being an employee of the weather service of the Borisoglebsk aviation hub (Voronezh region), I saw how before training flights jet military aircraft in the sky suddenly formed a cloudy a ring approximately two kilometers in diameter.
And this ring “took over” all the take-off cars, and on neither the wind nor powerful exhaust jets from aircraft nozzles. But when the last car took off, the cloud-ring quickly rebuilt into tape and flew away, as if admired, drew some conclusions and went away.
About the same thing told and the employee of the spaceport Baikonur Nikolay Marchenko. In the summer of 1990 during the preparation Soyuz rocket launch he noticed seven on the eve of launch in the evening cloud sheep hanging in the clear sky near the arrow rockets. Well, hang yourself and so what? True, all seven are the same ellipsoidal – it was somewhat astounding. But when he saw them and in the morning, “grazing” in the same place, I was really surprised. True, the current distracted him from discussions on this subject. care.
Again Nikolai drew attention to these clouds only after four hours. They were in the same place, so the mechanic even thought: they What, are they waiting for the launch of the rocket? And for sure, as soon as the “Union” with a roar left into space, seven spies immediately flew away. Moreover, you still need to add that at this time dry air is standing over Baikonur, and clouds there simply cannot be a definition – only none …
Unfortunately, even Marchenko did not have modern gadget, but admire the DNA helix cloud shot in 2013 over Khimki. Isn’t it a miracle?
Photo from open sources
Clouds – Helpers
By the way, Sergey Alekseenko, from whose story we started it narrative, encountered in his life more than once with reasonable the clouds. The most striking meeting took place in 1980, when he and a team of researchers flew by helicopter in the Pamir mountains, and for technical reasons, the pilot was forced to land late at night a car on a mountain ledge – a platform a hundred meters wide and two hundred meters long. On three sides – years, on one – an abyss depth of a kilometer at two.
At the same time, I had to sleep in the open air, because Accidents in the helicopter cockpit smelled terribly of paint. Soon Sergey noticed that a cloud came up from the gorge, moved to the ledge, where scientists rested, and curled up in a ball about a hundred meters from people. Already falling asleep, Alekseenko noted that “white hand. “At first he was frightened of this and lit it with a flashlight, why the “hand” immediately retreated away. However, he soon dozed off, at the same time feeling how the mountain cold makes his way to the bones. AND suddenly it became warm, like on a stove, after which Sergey fell asleep sweetly. In the morning, the researchers saw that the cloud literally covered the whole the cornice on which they were located, why it was warm and comfortable.
But as soon as the first rays of the sun broke into the Pamir mountains, a cloud curled up into the old white lamb, then bounced strangely at air and began to rise up. Then the pilot waved his hand and shouted words of gratitude that the cloud warmed people at night. And the cloud seemed to hear it, it immediately took the form of a boat, flashed with happiness in the sun and slowly sailed over the pass.
Photo from open sources
Look at the photo with a mushroom cloud, is it really possible to assume that this is just an accidental vaporization in the sky? ..
Personal clouds
Cloud Paranormal Researchers claim that each person is associated with his personal a cloud that, like a guardian angel, takes care of its ward on Earth, although it does this, most often, very imperceptibly. However, there are reliable cases when individuals establish a direct connection with their cloud.
Photo from open sources
For example, journalist Mikhail Yuriev gives a story of his friend – Tatyana’s girl, who at one time was friends with a good, but very shy guy Sergey. He seemed to love her, but could not admit this, why the girl languished, and then decided ask a friend how he treats her. Sergey did not answer, but just showed a hand to the sky. And Tatyana saw a white cloud, hanging over them, suddenly took shape in the form of a heart, pierced an arrow.
Then Sergei was drafted into the army, and he went to war in Afghanistan. Tatiana faithfully waited for him. Once, standing on the banks of the Volga, she noticed a lone cloud floating across the sky, and it was scary, somehow dark crimson and torn around the edges. When the cloud hung over her head, the girl’s heart sank with unbearable pain and tears streamed from her eyes. Soon Sergey’s parents received from army funeral for son …
Maybe clouds are another intelligent civilization on our planet, a special form of living matter that exists with us parallel. And who knows if humanity will succeed in the future make contact with these amazing and mysterious creatures, which, by the way, like ourselves, are mostly water? Simply her there a little more. But water itself is another great a mystery that scientists are not yet able to solve …
Water DNA Time Rocket Planes Sun