SMS from the dead will become common service

SMS from the dead will become a common servicePhoto from open sources

Israeli software developer Moran Zur created a unique service that allows users to leave SMSs that after their death will be sent to other people: relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues. Message may be delivered to the recipient at a predetermined time, or when the recipient will be in a certain place, or even after some event. The service is called “SafeBeyond”.

In the video below, Zur tells how he came to head such an idea. According to the programmer, he was only twenty five years when his father passed away from cancer. A few years later Moran got married, but he was very upset that the parent did not could attend the wedding and give my son some advice regarding family life, or at least just wish you happiness. It was then that the Israeli realized that many people would like to receive after a long time messages from his deceased loved ones to feel connected with the deceased loved ones.

Dead people remind of themselves

Not so long ago, fate again presented Tsuru with a strong blow: his wives discovered an inoperable brain tumor. Couple brings up now a three year old son, however it’s obvious that he will lose his mother long before adulthood. It was then that Moran realized that it was necessary allow the spouse to leave their child many messages that are in further allow the boy to know his mother better, and also feel her love and care. Such a digital legacy, according to According to the programmer, it should be in demand among many people by all over the globe.

A photo from open sources

The Israelite has nurtured this idea for more than five years, however it was his wife’s illness forced him to take seriously the job. Zur is convinced that every person should look at his death realistically. Someday, all of us will leave this world, leaving people behind, who will miss us painfully. And in that case there will be no from time to time to remind loved ones about yourself, somewhat sweetening them, so to speak, the bitter pill of life.

However, this idea immediately had critics who say that such “calls from the other world” can negatively affect the mental state of living people. It’s no wonder they say that the dead must remain dead without interfering and not interacting with the world of the living. At least demonstrate you can always love your family in life, instead of to charge this responsible business to soulless electronics. Moreover, the dead could always remind themselves without any SMS-ok, if they considered it necessary or they were allowed such a higher power. Interfering in this process is too presumptuous …

Life time

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