Snowden spoke of the dangers inherent smart refrigerators

Snowden spoke of the dangers inherentA photo from open sources

Former US Security Officer Edward Snowden Sure that global data collection has never stopped. Concerning Snowden expressed his concerns about the safety of these people in everything the world.

In an interview with the US National Public Radio Snowden said that worldwide data collection is not stopped, and never thought to stop.

Edward also spoke of his insight, which visited him in Best Buy store, on the shelves of which were smart plates, refrigerators and other equipment. Snowden realized that all this is under continuous control, not only of their owners, but manufacturers of smart technology.

Snowden wondered: where is the data collected a refrigerator, a telephone, and why are they hidden?

Snowden also believes that people are no longer partners new technologies, just like government partners.

Some researchers believe that global surveillance processes will always go side by side with the development of information technology, and there’s no getting around it. Many people want additional amenities or saving personal time that new technologies promise, and manufacturers will always be ready to accommodate these needs.

Over time, according to futurologists, all devices will function as a single “organism” in which there will be no barriers to movement of information.

Andrey Vetrov

US time

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