Soda causes premature aging

A photo from open sources Scientists around the world are sounding the alarm. And the reason that – sweet carbonated drinks, which, as it turned out, are not only shorten life, but also lead to premature aging. Moreover, the sweeter the drink, the more serious the expected effects. Simply put, over time the DNA of those people who drink more than 600 ml of soda per day, changes so that they look 4.6 years older than their years. A few years ago research led by Jane Franklin University Sydney. To prove her theory, she compared two groups of rats: the first drank soda, the second – plain water. results experiments showed that rodents of the first group became hyperactive due to the fact that the level of protein in the brain is significantly has changed. Moreover, similar changes are observed when cancer and Alzheimer’s syndrome, writes The Daily Mail Further research has become more global, to them connected scientists from the University of California. In their The experiments were attended by more than five thousand healthy volunteers between the ages of 20 and 65 who have no problems with metabolism, heart and blood vessels, reports Guardian. Scientists measured the length of the so-called telomeres – indicators of youth cells protecting DNA during cell division and located on ends of chromosomes that shorten when damaged genetic material, that is, in the aging process. In the process managed to find out that those volunteers who regularly drank soda, telomeres were much shorter. And the conclusions did not force wait a long time for yourself: when a person drinks soda, he exposes his body double hit. First, provokes development metabolic disorders, and secondly, individual substances, contained in soda, independently affect the aging of cells. Approximate calculations showed: the rate of aging of the body in those who addicted to sweet synthetic drinks, above. Average, the life of such people is shortened by five years. Scientists at this moment cannot explain the reasons for this phenomenon, since the processes affecting the telomere length when drinking soda, until studied by researchers. Researchers compare the effect of sweet soda on biological age with exposure to cigarettes. And although while their conclusions are very arbitrary, they intend to continue research in this area, paying particular attention to aspects related to the influence of sweet carbonated drinks on children’s health.

DNA Life

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