Softening stone plant

Modern architects are wondering how the ancient inhabitants of South America managed to trim huge pieces stone. Moreover, it was made so flawlessly that stone the blocks fit together very tightly: hardly between them it is possible to insert the thinnest blade. Meanwhile, the long wall in Cuzco is made up of several hundred thousand shapeless boulders, and a wall, perfect, by the way. Any modern engineer, architect or the mathematician will honestly tell you that he does not know how this was done. AND No one knows.

A photo from open sources

But what if our ancestors knew how to soften the stones? They are softened the surface to the consistency of plasticine and then for for an hour they molded the unique face of their beloved deities. Could it be like that? No one can say for sure, but Latin American Indians claim that such a process existed. Colonel Percy X. Fawcett, of whom we have already written, was an officer in the British army and was engaged in topographic surveys – at the beginning of our century, he was often invited by different governments Latin American countries to clarify state borders. For carrying out this work he had to equip eight expeditions. Of he didn’t return last, which gave rise to all kinds of conjectures and legends regarding the reason for his disappearance. His youngest son Brian Fawcett published his father’s diaries, which literally crammed with startling information. So he writes that in the forests on the slopes of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes lives a small bird, similar to a kingfisher. She nests in small, perfectly round holes in the surfaces of rocks standing at mountain streams and rivers. Fawcett began to observe the birds and noticed that when they perch on the rocks, then each bird holds a leaf of a plant in its beak and then begins to rub the surface of the rock in a circular motion until until the sheet sparkles. Then she flies away again and returns with the same sheet, and the process repeats. After about four such operations, the bird begins to peck a stone, and, believe it or not, the rock crumbles before our eyes. After some a perfectly round hole is formed, large enough so that the bird can make a nest.

Not even a trace of mortar is visible between the stones Photos from open sources

Colonel Fawcett drew attention to two other noteworthy phenomena related to this topic. He told him about the first one person who made a five-mile trip through the virgin forest along the river Pyrenees in Peru. His horse was lame, he had to dismount and lead her about. When he got to the place, then found that his spurs had rusted through and through. Amazed, he showed the spurs to his comrade, and he asked not did he pass through dense thickets of undersized shrubs with fleshy leaves. He answered in the affirmative, and then his acquaintance said that it was they who “ate” the spurs, adding: “By these plants were used by the Incas for stone processing. “Other Fawcett’s observation is even more remarkable. He and several others Europeans and Americans went on a day off to look at ancient burial places. They took with them a local resident who had to dig, and grabbed a few bottles a strong alcoholic drink, very popular in that area. Soon, at the site of the excavation, one of the participants gathered quite tightly and began to bake the native.

A photo from open sources

It was late in the evening, and there was nothing to boast about except dug up large clay bottle. It was securely sealed, and in it some liquid remained. Finally, they decided to open it. IN the bottle was thick, black, viscous and unpleasantly smelling liquid. A tipsy member of the company decided what needs to be done tasting, and chose for this purpose the poor fellow local. He sniffed the liquid turned pale, bounced and tried to escape. But bored the gringos grabbed him and made him drink. Unhappy resisted like the possessed finally managed to break free and ran into the bushes. During the scrambled bottle fell and crashed while its contents were a puddle spilled over the stone on which the bottle stood before. Soon the liquid disappeared, and instead, the whole stone was covered with some kind of a substance resembling a clay-like putty. Connecting, they formed some kind of paste that could be molded and sculpted anything from it, as if from plasticine or hot wax!

A photo from open sources

However, it is not known whether such a plant exists, juice which is able to soften fairly hard rocks (including including granite). As there is no evidence that with of this plant, the Indians softened the stones from which they built their pyramids, fortresses and temples standing to this day. And if so, then perhaps they were not the only ones who found such a solution Problems.

Time Stones Peru Pyramids Birds Plants

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