Solar eclipse: in Africa, the day turned into night

Solar eclipse: in Africa day turned into nightA photo from open sources

On Sunday, residents of the Western Hemisphere watched in the sky a unique phenomenon is the hybrid solar eclipse. It is named like that because in one day both ring-shaped and complete eclipse. First, a fiery sickle appeared in the sky, and then the Moon on for several seconds was captured. This eclipse is called ring-shaped. He was seen by residents of the US east coast and Canada, Northeastern Latin America, Islands Caribbean, Southern Europe and Arab countries.

And in equatorial countries, the eclipse will turn into a complete one. IN Gabon, Congo and Kenya The moon will close the entire solar disk and come night in broad daylight. True, it will last only a minute and a half. Behind this time, astronomers have to take unique pictures of the solar crowns. With their help, scientists are exploring the nature of solar emissions and their influence on our planet, the channel “Russia 24”

In equatorial Africa, by the way, a lot is associated with eclipses legends. Even now, many tribes believe that during this natural phenomenon the moon eats the sun. Some people consider it bad sign, but others believe that this is a symbol of renewal, and since the eclipse begins a new round of development of life on The earth.

Eclipses of this type are extremely rare. Last time Earth’s inhabitants observed a similar phenomenon in April 2005, and The next hybrid eclipse will happen only in 2023.

Africa Time Eclipse Moon

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