Some clear evidence that animals have a soul

Despite the indisputable fact that a person is on top of the evolutionary ladder, don’t assume the rest animals are completely ignorant and cannot think and feel. We provide you with some clear evidence that animals are smarter than we expect. They can think, feel and condolences to both their own kind and people. 1. The parrot who said touching dying words.

Alex, an African gray parrot, was able to count and define colors, and he had a great relationship with his mistress named Irina Pepperberg. When Alex died in 2007, his the last words to her were: “It’s good with you. I love you.”

animals 21 Some obvious evidence that animals have a soulA photo from open sources

2. These two guide dogs, nicknamed Salti and Roselle, brought their blind owners from the 70th floor of the World Trade Center to of how the towers collapsed during the September 11th attack.

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3. Chimpanzees who mourn over their dead friend.

At the chimpanzee rescue center in Cameroon, a chimpanzee named Dorothy died of heart failure. What happened next was amazing: her chimpanzee friends hugged in solidarity and solemnly watched their friend buried.

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4. The amazing story of a lion named Christian.

Christian’s lion cub was taken by two brothers in 1969. When that grew it was returned to the wild. The brothers returned a year later and they were told that Christian became the leader of the pride, so that he is hardly remembers them. After several hours of searching, they still found Christian, and that’s how he met them.

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5. Gorilla Coco reacts to a sad moment in her beloved the movie.

Coco watches his favorite movie, Tea with Mussolini. one sad scene where a little boy to be separation from relatives, waving his hand from a departing train. Once The farewell scene begins, Coco turns away. After that she gestures the words “frown”, “sad”, “sad”, “trouble”, “mother” and “Coco-loves” with tears in their eyes.

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6. Cows have best friends and are very upset when they are separated.

According to the scientist Krista McLenan: “When the cows are in society of their friends, their heart rate is much lower than when they stay with a random person. ”

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7. Jack Russell Terrier, who gave his life to save five children from fighting dogs.

In 2007, five children played with George (the same dog), when they were attacked by two pit bulls. “George tried to protect us, he barked and rushed to the pit bull, – subsequently one of the children said, – but they started to bite him. One behind the head and the other behind. ” The heroic intervention of this little dog saved the children, although George later died from his injuries. Dog was awarded posthumously medal of courage.

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8. Beluga whale rescuing a diver whose legs cramped on 6 meters deep.

When free diver Yang Yun tried to start climbing from the bottom, she found that her legs cramped and she could not move. “I began to choke and began to sink lower and lower. Then I thought that I had come to an end. – I already thought that I the end, when suddenly I felt an incredible power under me, which dragged me to the surface. ” Beluga, which subsequently called Mila, saw that something was wrong with the person, and rushed to the rescue, pushing the woman to the surface.

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9. A cat that feels death is approaching.

Oscar can always feel when any of the inhabitants the nursing home in which he lives is close to death. Then the cat comes and quietly sits by the bed of a dying man, until he will not let out his last breath. One relative of two elderly sisters who died in a nursing home said: “Oscar’s presence gave women a sense of peace and tranquility. Both women are very loved animals. And Oscar brought some special calm to the room. What could be more peaceful than a purring cat? ”

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10. Staffordshire Terrier, who protected his mistress from gang robbers with machetes.

Patricia Edshead made tea when three masked men knives rushed into her house. The woman’s ex-husband rushed at help, but one of the attackers cut his hand with his machete. “I was trapped in the kitchen with Oi (that was the name of the dog) and one of attackers. He brought the machete over my head, – says woman, – then Oi jumped up and grabbed his hand. Man hit machete dog on the head, but she still chased him while he didn’t run out of the house. She saved my life. ”

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11. Gorilla, who remembered her old friend.

Damian Aspinal brought a gorilla named Quibi to England. When Quibi was 5 years old, he had to take the gorilla back to Africa and set free. 5 years later Damian returned to Western Africa to see her old friend despite warnings that Quibi could run wild and behave with people aggressively. Damien swam up the river and called Quibi, as he called him before when suddenly a gorilla appeared on the shore rivers. Quibi heard the voice of his old friend and recognized him. “Is he looked into my eyes with such love. That was incredible! He is not wanted to let me go ”

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12. Fish can use tools to perform simple tasks.

In 2011, a diver photographed an amazing fish that smashed a clam shell on a stone to eat contents. it proves that fish have significantly greater opportunities, than most people previously thought.

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13. German Shepherd, who became a guide dog for the blind spaniel

When Ellie, the blind spaniel, sheltered the director of the shelter for Animal Gene Spencer, no one expected her other dog, Leo, decides to become a guide dog for a blind dog. “I take them on a walk into the park and Leo leads Ellie around, ”says Spencer. “Is he protects her from everything, even from the more aggressive dogs around. ”

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14. Two retired circus elephants who reunited after 25 years of separation under the shelter.

Jenny and Shirley took to the circus at the same time: Jenny is still quite small, and Shirley at the age of 20 years. 25 years later they reunited in an elephant shelter. The night they saw again each other, they tried to reach trunks to each other through bars of the cell. After that, friends became inseparable.

Africa Fish Dogs

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