Some interesting facts about mail and postmen

Some interesting facts about mail and postmenPhoto from open sources

Modern email, though significantly “pushed” ordinary mail services, however, did not completely replace them. So way, an ordered messaging service dating back to ancient times, is still alive and has accumulated over its 5000-year history many interesting facts. Let’s get to know some of them.

… In Voronezh there is a monument erected by the front-line postman. Its prototype was Ivan Leontiev, who during the Great World War II served as the postman of the 33rd Infantry Regiment and died in 1944 This monument, according to the prevailing legend, helps find the missing person, for which you should approach him and touch the “bundle of letters” held by the postman. One whom you are looking for, will certainly be announced soon enough.

… The postal worker Gabriel March Grandos from Spain had every chance of becoming a person worthy of the Guinness Book of Records, who received the longest prison term – almost four hundred years. The prosecutor insisted on this during the trial. Wines Grandosa was that because of his laziness he did not deliver recipients a significant proportion of correspondence. Number without a trace missing letters exceeded, thus, over 40 thousand. However Gabriel was lucky: his real punishment was much milder than requested the prosecutor, and amounted to 14 years.

… The first modern (unlike the ancient Greek) Olympic games (Athens, 1896) included a 40-kilometer marathon race. TO complete surprise of all, Spiridon Louis, Greek a postman who never prepared for competitions specifically. Curiously, becoming a Olympic champion, Louis is no longer took part in any other competitions.

… At the beginning of the last century in the United States sent by mail … children, and this service was ten times cheaper than a train ticket. Baby packed in a special mail bag, put on clothes stamp – and the living package was sent to the destination. Good even though postal couriers looked after child …

… Around the same time, an original idea came to mind Saratov millionaire Verzeulov, who invited four to Russia representatives of the Abyssinian tribe of the Gajum. In the newspaper “Early morning “it was reported that gadjum can overcome 300 miles in just 16 hours, four of which are on vacation. how swift Africans were supposed to exchange by mail between Petrograd and Moscow. A contract was made designed for 4 years. Unfortunately, no other information about the dark-skinned postmen could not be found. It is possible that Revolution prevented Verzeulov from realizing the plan.

A photo from open sources

… More than one generation of Russians grew up on wonderful books Eduard Uspensky (and, accordingly, cartoons) about life in the village of Prostokvashino boy Uncle Fedor and his friends. In the town Lukhovitsy, near Moscow, near the post office, a monument flaunts unforgettable Igor Ivanovich Pechkin. Prostokvashinsky postman presented on a bicycle, on both sides of which the cat froze Matroskin and the ball. A restless pebble sits on Pechkin’s shoulder Grabber.

… If we talk about email, then the first An Internet message, or e-mail, was sent by Ray Tomlinson. And what about of where the name spam came from (spam) several versions. According to the most common, this contributed to the Monty Python show, during which the choir of artists, disguised as Vikings, he sang odes to the canned food of Hormel Foods, and the canned goods themselves were called “SPAM”.

A photo from open sources

The most popular email password was “complex” set of numbers: 123456. The well-known @ sign appeared back in XV century, it was used by merchants to symbolize the volume and weight when buying wine and livestock. Now this symbol is basically called a dog, but not all. In Poland and Germany it is a monkey, in Turkey – a rose, in Israel – a sweet strudel, etc.

Moscow time

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