A photo from open sources
For example, we all know that the Sun is yellow. You can even draw it red, orange, as artists do, in fact but our Luminary is white. And all kinds of colors and shades, especially during a spectacular sunset – it’s all from refraction rays of light in the atmosphere with subsequent distortion of our perception colors.
We also think that the greatest desert of the world is the Sahara, although the desert is not necessarily a sandy area without vegetation. A more accurate definition of the desert is a flat territory with sparse or completely absent flora. Therefore the biggest desert on Earth – Antarctica.
It’s hard even to say when people began to believe that the Great the Chinese wall is visible from space (in past centuries, for example, people believed that it should be visible even from the moon). However neither one of the astronauts who ascended into the orbit of the Earth (about American astronauts allegedly visited the moon say no we’ll), I didn’t see her, and this is impossible: the Chinese wall in mostly earthen (ordinary guard wall) or stone, the color is not much different from the surrounding landscape. But even its brick part is very narrow, only 9 meters – such a “hair” from space do not make out.
A photo from open sources
They say that lightning, like a projectile, is not twice in one place gets in. This is also not true – how does a skyscraper get, for example Empire State Building sometimes takes several lightning bolts for one stormy night.
Some misconceptions that even seem to us undeniable
And Everest, as it turned out, is not the highest mountain on Earth, if consider the peaks, guided by various readings. So, Mount Mauna Kea from the foot of much higher Everest – almost 2 kilometers, it’s just standing at sea, and its air part is not so and great. And if the reference is from the center of the Earth, then the highest it will be the peak of Chimboraso, due to the fact that it is located on equator, and our Earth, as it turned out, is far from ideal spherical shape (another human error), and flattened at the poles.
Well, who doesn’t know that water conducts electricity? Many it even experienced on their own skin, not by chance in damp places with wiring people even work in rubber shoes. However various impurities actually conduct electricity in water and salt, distilled water is a fine dielectric.
A photo from open sources
Is there zero gravity in space? A strange question, isn’t it? However, it is not there, gravity in the Universe is filled exclusively all. Why, for example, ISS astronauts “float” through the air on station, although the acceleration of gravity on it is only 10 percent less than on Earth? The fact is that the ISS is constantly moves, creating a free fall effect for people, the effect is called zero gravity.
And finally, the biggest fallacy of people was and, quite surprisingly, there is still the belief that the Earth is flat. AND although the era of the great geographical discoveries seemed to refute this, proving that our planet is round (almost round), modern skepticism and distrust of orthodox science, which is constantly hides something, hides, distorts for the sake of the powers that be, gave rise to various fantastic theories. For example, that we live in the matrix that the Earth inside is hollow and there also has its own civilization, that we are controlled by reptilian aliens, and so on and so forth like that. Among all these fantastic assumptions, a special place The theory of a flat earth is today. And that’s literally shocking: adherents of this crazy theory becomes more and more, therefore, against the backdrop of such a massive insanity individual delusions of mankind, about which we are here mentioned seem like just funny stories.
Water Moon ISS