A photo from open sources The Russian people will take a lot of beliefs. Someone believes them sacredly, and some are just interested to know that means a particular superstition associated, for example, with a mirror. what do not take pictures of your reflection, show in it little children. But few know why you can’t look in a mirror when you cry or in a bad mood. Simply heard about such statements and pass it on to each other. Negative Consequences Mirror is an essential attribute in people’s lives. It is everywhere: in the rooms of a residential building, in offices, in each lady’s handbag. For a long time belong to this subject a little cautiously and carefully. It is believed that you can never look in the mirror when you cry. According to signs, this entails negative consequences in the fate of man. The first assumption is you can roar your happiness. In the future, lucky moments will decrease. in life. The second opinion is why you can’t look in the mirror when cry – “you will be constantly upset.” This item remembers a person in this state, then transferring sad imprint on his future fate. How to get rid of If you accidentally looked in mirror while crying, then after calm down, do some simple steps. Dampen a rag in clean water and wipe it well. Then, without departing from the subject, get rid of remnants of tears and tidy up with a smile. It’s believed that liquid will wash away negative memories. And everything will charge your new good mood. Esotericists confirm that mirrors are able to remember the thoughts of the owner and even “talk” to each other. That is, they can transmit information. This explains why you can not look in the mirror when you cry. Negative influence on fate, mostly afraid the girls.
Photos from open sources Interesting beliefs At Slavic there are a lot of people will accept. What not to do with a mirror, how to relate to it, where to place it? Many still adhere to long-standing beliefs. For example, why you can’t look in mirror while eating – you can “eat” your beauty and mind. Do not hang him in front of the bed – nightmares or tormenting headaches will occur pains. Do not take other people’s mirrors into the house – it is not known what they “saw”. You can not quarrel – as mentioned above, remember the negative. It is undesirable to show the newborn in it – it will be bad baby’s speech develops or problems with teething. In ancient times, people generally considered a mirror the subject of demons. Therefore, they never hung it in living rooms. They were afraid that the devil himself could spy through him. Also mirrors remember the past owner and the current owner will influence. Ivan the Terrible, to protect his wives, I ordered these items only from blind masters.
Photos from open sources Magical properties Many people love to place mirrors in their bedrooms, because they decorate and make the room spacious. But often they don’t think about him influence on a person, especially asleep. It is believed that this item The interior can be a portal to the afterlife. Slavs believe in him magical properties that can erase barriers between living and dead. Otherworldly unknown forces can cross this border. A sleeping person is helpless and easily exposed to negative exposure to creatures. If there is a mirror in the room, then it is better just cover him with a sheet for the night. Wash as often as possible, especially after the guests. But you need to remember that sometimes signs do not come true, nothing bad happens. There is no scientific confirmation of folk it is believed that it’s why you can’t look in the mirror when you cry, eat, sleep or quarrel. You can believe everything, but without fanaticism!
Time Life Mirrors