Something interesting about loans and collectors

Something interesting about loans and collectorsPhoto from open sources

Mankind is mired in loans, and until it overcomes this it’s not worth talking about justice in society: it will be forever divided into rich and poor, masters and slaves.

We do not know whether the time will come on Earth when monetary circulation, and therefore loans, will be abolished once and for all, and society will finally become free, but we can with precision argue that the system of lending and debt collection existed from time immemorial. Another king of Ancient Babylon Hammurabi, who ruled in the XVIII century BC (almost 4 thousand years ago), issued a decree according to which a hopeless debtor as repayment of the loan could give in bondage for three years to his wife, daughter or son.

Thus, not knowing exactly when the world appeared professional collectors, you can trace how they fought before with non-payment of cash.

A photo from open sources

A no less interesting example in this regard is custom. Quacutle Indian tribe, which provided that the person borrowing something, he left his name in return. And until he He returned the loan, no one had the right to call him by name.

But in medieval England, a person who did not pay debt on time, could easily put in jail. Not less, such an unenviable fate could have been avoided, for which, according to the law of that time, one should simply not leave the house: then the Englishman did not have the right to arrest in his own home no one. However, later the British simply “lost” this right, and because many were in a debt prison, even the father of the famous English writer Charles Dickens. In 2007 in Kent The United Kingdom opened a park in honor of the famous fellow countryman, where it was recreated with maximum reliability 19th century England’s atmosphere, including a debt prison, in which any tourist can sit (today – only for money).

In Russia, debtors simply publicly on the city square lashes. The unfortunate man shouted as loud and compassionate as possible. And on that, and on the other hand, all this was done in order to Someone felt sorry for the person and paid the debt for him.

The most famous debtor is the great French writer. Alexandr Duma. It is authentically known that only in 1852 a Parisian court examined 53 claims of creditors against him for a total amount more than one hundred thousand francs (the largest amount at that time). Dumas loved to live in a big way, besides he spent a lot of money on friends and acquaintances. He even somehow boasted to reporters that he didn’t refused to any person who asked him for money except lenders of course.

A photo from open sources

And finally, the latest news on loans and collectors. IN Germany in the city of Allen due to unpaid debts from an elderly family in February 2019, officials confiscated a pug dog named Edda, who was then sold over the Internet for 2,000 euros debt repayment. At the same time, collectors first wanted to pick up expensive wheelchair but it turned out to be the property of one from insurance companies in Germany. Michaela Jordan Police Officer Who Bought the dog turned out to be cheated because the collectors in the ad are not indicated that the dog is seriously ill and needs to be done, according at least four expensive operations. Now woman intends to sue dishonest debt knockers …

Time Germany Money Dogs

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