Source of strange ocean sound found?

Is a source of strange ocean sound found?A photo from open sources

In 1997, researchers registered amazing sounds coming from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Sound received The name “Bloop” is a low frequency.

Scientists for a long time could not understand what is its source. There was even an assumption that mysterious sounds were made some kind of sea monster. The general nature of the sound allowed even suggest that the source may be a living being, however such is not known to science. Judging by the distance that a strange sound passes, this animal must have colossal sizes – much larger than the blue whale.

According to scientists from NOAA, or National Office oceanic and atmospheric studies, the intensity of the “animal” the sound was so great that even with distances of 5,000 kilometers from the source itself. Thus, the riddle became more and more intriguing.

Today, scientists tend to believe that the source of the mysterious The sound was a huge iceberg. This version is subject to availability. unique acoustic conditions conducive to such ultra-long propagation of sounds. In fact, the sounds published by melting and drifting icebergs can be heard on a distance of several thousand kilometers. They are simultaneously plaintive, frightening and bewitching.

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