Photo from open sources
This is very good news, and not only for the elder generations – current retirees who grew up on these amazing “slide shows”, and which, I think, with pleasure plunge into the world of those lovely and such bright “fairy tales”.
Digitized Soviet filmstrips for children, which can now be will watch absolutely for free on the site of the NEDB – National electronic children’s library, like, I think, and modern children, and parents will be a good help in education the younger generation. The fact is that cartoons, unlike filmstrips, even the best ones are Russian, in their effect on the child’s consciousness are significantly inferior to these seem primitive and outdated already “slide show.” After all, filmstrips are close to the book, in there are just more pictures of them. But they, like books, arouse imagination child, make him conjecture scenes and events that can not be said about cartoons and children’s films.
According to preliminary estimates, in Russia there are about sixteen thousand filmstrips, last year the library digitized the order one and a half thousand tapes, this was done at the expense of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation. This year, digitization is already on own funds – it is planned to overcome another thousand filmstrips. As you can see, work is not progressing as fast as it would I wanted to – we need sponsors.
There is another serious problem, says the deputy director NEDB Ilya Gavrishin, today no one really knows how much and what filmstrips were created in Soviet times. We work in this regard with State Film Fund, which has certain archives and catalogs, but on filmstrips and they are not all clear.
Soviet filmstrips can be watched on YouTube
By the way, individual filmstrips today can already be seen on YouTube, not only soundless “slide shows,” but also with voice acting, since in Soviet times, some filmstrips were sold with vinyl records – such tales were voiced then by famous actors, sometimes the authors themselves. Of course, these filmstrips were very it’s not enough, so you can only voice old filmstrips for children again, that’s just this work is huge, and for NEDB hardly lifting.
But it’s already pleasing that it began, because it’s not just a certain, very valuable layer of Russian culture, but also the richest material for raising and even treating children which we probably can only after some time.
Russia time