Sperm whales use different dialects and have your culture

Sperm whales use different dialects and have their own culture.A photo from open sources

Sperm whales are marine mammals, the only ones modern representatives of the sperm whale family. They own many records in the animal world.

This is the largest toothy whale (adult males reach a length of twenty meters and fifty tons mass), the deepest whale planets, as well as the creature with the largest brain. Moreover, thanks to Herman Melville’s sperm whale novel Moby Dick considered very ferocious animals, although in fact they are calm loving creatures with a highly developed social life.

The other day, Canadian specialists from Dalhousie University came to an interesting conclusion. Scientists have proven that for communication with each other another sperm whale use many dialects to distinguish one whale clan from another. In the course of this study Canadians carefully studied data on the sounds of sperm whales collected for the last eighteen years. It turned out that all representatives sperm whale families live relatively close together, with In this dialects of different families differ. It is quite uncharacteristic for animals, but for the world of people – the most common occurrence. Experts also found that unique speech sperm whales learn from relatives – genetically this ability is not inherited, although earlier scientists believed the opposite. She is formed through social learning during which adults they teach young animals to make sounds of one type or another.

The aforementioned peacefulness of sperm whales is confirmed by the fact that over the past century they have not harmed any to man. On the contrary, these smart creatures are very human friendly and happy to let especially brave divers swim next to you. And in the video below you can see the family sperm whale that “adopted” a dolphin with a deformed most likely, for this reason, from the pack dolphins.

New studies by Canadians once again confirm more and more rooted opinion in the scientific community that everything living on our planet has a highly developed mind and a rather complex system hierarchy and communication. All this goes far beyond the primitive “life by instincts”, which, like a label, hung on the whole fauna researchers of past centuries.

A life

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