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Previously, experts called spicy food very useful in part prevention of cardiovascular disease. However new research has shown that this food has certain negative points.
Chinese researchers assessed the condition for 15 years health in 4,500 people, whose age was more than 55 years. Screening tests that were performed during the entire period studies showed how the general health status of surveyed. All study results were published on University of South Australia website.
So, those who consumed more than 50 grams of chili pepper per day, dementia (dementia) developed more rapidly, according to compared to those who were not particularly keen on spicy dishes. how dreamed, lovers of acute decreased memory and worsened cognitive functions.
And what’s interesting, the memory suffered most from very slender study participants. According to experts, people have whose normal body weight is most sensitive to acute products.
Scientist Shi Zumin explained that in earlier studies it turned out that chili has a beneficial effect on body mass index and blood pressure, but now scientists first encountered negative consequences for the elderly. In light of the above, scientists decide to continue research to ensure accuracy their findings.
Andrey Vetrov