Star doors

StarPhoto from open sources

In the film of the same name, a hypothesis is put forward that that on Earth there are so-called “stargates” that allow alien civilizations to communicate with us, to enter contact and so on. That is, that contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, oh which astronomers continue to blow, as well as serving their media took place long ago.

However, on our planet, someone needs to keep all this secret. A because, for example, the Gulf of Aden, which ufologists have long dubbed a mysterious portal between worlds located in different spatio-temporal points, heavily guarded by the military forces of many countries supposedly to combat piracy. However, information that leaks from there, in particular, from the US military, prove that the pirates of the Gulf of Aden – artificially created by the same military in order to divert attention and remove commercial, scientific and tourist routes.

Photo from open sources

The film also details what is actually represent crop circles. And again, why to certain forces, and in particular the CIA, it was necessary at the time (1978) to discredit the established opinion in society that these are signs, sent to us by aliens. It was then that they were bribed the English Dave Chorley and Doug Bowe who made a sensational a statement that all crop circles are the work of their hands. However, soon reporters came forward with the exposure of these crooks who even physically could not visit all places where at night weird cereals died, not to mention fantastic technology “drawing” in the margins, which is still not amenable to any reasonable explanation.

Photo from open sources

Who needs it, the authors of the documentary project “Star doors, “constantly hide from the public real information about contacts with aliens? And, as it seems to us, the film has quite reasoned answer to this question. Puppeteers need it of our life – a secret world government that usurped power on Earth and is ready to destroy our civilization.


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