Starling Dance – Murmuration

Starling Dance - MurmurationPhotos from open sources

This is a fantastic performance, also called marmurization, happened in the british county of oxfordshire where a huge flock starlings demonstrated some fabulous, completely incredible to our understanding flights in the sky that someone calls dance, someone ballet, someone overflowing clouds.

According to preliminary estimates in this dance, the starlings took the participation of more than seventy thousand birds. In doing so, notice how they fly – at a tremendous speed (of the order of forty to fifty kilometers per hour), very synchronized, forming various waves and bizarre figures. And after all, no bird collides with another, does not interfere and no one gets astray from the rhythm of flight, as if all this peculiar some wizard is conducting a bird orchestra. Murmuration is possible watch in the sea when it’s also swift and synchronous schools of fish “dance”.

Today, scientists have concluded that this conductor is collective mind that in the same way governs some insects, say, bees, ants. As for the starlings, then remains a mystery why they need this murmur, probably not in order to arouse admiration in people? The only thing the assumption that starlings in this way scare away enemies completely does not stand up to any criticism, and other hypotheses in there are simply no researchers yet.

But there are these amazing dances of starlings, and see them it is possible not only in England, but also in Crimea, Israel and many others areas of the world where these entertaining birds live, differing great wit and ability to imitate various voices and sounds. But the main thing is that only they can arrange such Swift dancing in the sky.


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