Photo from open sources
If you recall the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Indian ocean 2004, it should be noted that wild and domestic animals, seemed to know what was going to happen, and tried Move to a safe place in advance. According to evidence eyewitnesses, elephants screamed and fled to the hill, dogs refused to go outside, flamingos left their zones breeding animals of the zoo did not want to leave their cages. The theory that wild and domestic animals have a sixth sense and can predict when a strong earthquake will happen, existed for centuries.
Wildlife experts believe that animals can feel the vibrations of the earth indicating that is approaching disaster, long before people realize what is happening. A huge tsunami caused by an earthquake of magnitude 9 the northern coast of the island of Sumatra, resulting in the death of more than 150,000 people in several countries. In this case, the animals are almost not suffered, they somehow foresaw the catastrophe and prepared for it in advance. However, besides land animals, there are another sign of impending disaster: the inhabitants of the depths suddenly thrown to the beaches. Today it happens at many points world, for example, it happened the other day in Mexico.
Another weird dead creature
A group of bathers in Mexico were horrified to find on the beach a strange sea creature – dead and without eyes. According to the message British tabloid Daily Express, it happened in the past Weekend at Destiladeras Beach (Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco) pacific coast of mexico. People who found the mysterious corpse, originally thought it was a dolphin, but their opinion immediately changed when they carefully examined the creature.
A photo from open sources
The monstrous inhabitant of the abyss had no eyes and fins, and for a dolphin it had a body too long. Since on the coast Puerto Vallarta has areas where sea depths reach 1000 meters, it was suggested that the creature found lived in pitch darkness and easily dispensed with eyes. Still not a single marine fauna expert could not identify monster, local fishermen also say that they have never seen anything like it. Thus, the true nature of the creature remains unknown.
What’s happening?
This is not the first mysterious marine “gift” in recent days, which we told you about. True, we do not know whether the appearance of these strange creatures with each other but many independent researchers are convinced that this is a sign of impending great catastrophe – along with other apocalyptic signs, for example, with a coronavirus pandemic, severe forest fires in Australia, a fantastic locust invasion of West Africa and etc. Well, time will tell how true these pessimistic forecasts. Optimists, for example, are sure that residents Earth has at all times been confronted with something similar and perhaps they were also afraid of the approach of the end of the world. But the world still exists then, that is, regardless of how people think of him …
Dolphins Earthquakes Mexico