Strange creatures in the Chinese gutter 05.01.2020Category: Mythical and mysterious creatures A photo from open sources And again, China and yet unidentified living creatures, similar to a large group of pink worms.
Mythical and mysterious creatures 0 In the English lake, they were floating monster A photo from open sources This picture caused a jolt in the English media:
Mythical and mysterious creatures 0 Nagasaki appeared in the sewers mutant rats A photo from open sources Many years after the terrible tragedy that brought two
Mythical and mysterious creatures 0 Fishermen caught a giant squid A photo from open sources One of the most unique catches has been taken
Mythical and mysterious creatures 0 Eastern US flooded with grasshoppers A photo from open sources Bad News For Non-Fans scary-looking insects with long sharp
Mythical and mysterious creatures 0 Deep Sea Humanoid A photo from open sources On one of the warm summer evenings in the
Mythical and mysterious creatures 0 Two-headed found on a beach in Turkey dolphin A photo from open sources A two-headed dolphin was taken out to one of