Strange fish with legs discovered researchers

Strange fish with legs discovered by researchersPhoto from open sources

American scientists reported a mysterious fish walking along the bottom. According to scientific publications, scientists met under water angler fish that used its fins to move like legs. This fish was found at a depth of about one kilometers.

Previously, experts in the study of the sea day established a deep-sea camera, which subsequently captured this strange fish. Later, when scientists looked at videos, they surprised to find that some strange sea creature, as if on foot, moving along the bottom of the ocean. Actually for the fish used the fins to move along the bottom. According to scientists, the weight of the anglerfish can reach fifty kilograms, and the length one and a half meters.

Previously scientists off the coast of South America in the Pacific on a large Three new species of fish were discovered in depth. According to the researchers, these creatures belong to the type of liparic (sea slugs). These fish are translucent, do not have scales and large teeth. Because the names of these species have not yet been given, temporarily called them pink, blue and purple. These fish inhabit a depth of about 7.5 thousand kilometers.

Earlier off the coast of Australia, an international team of scientists discovered unknown creatures.


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