Strange smell in the city

A strange smell in the cityA photo from open sources

Unknown gas or poison on Sunday caused poisoning 48 students of the Bibi Maryam Lyceum in the city of Tulukan, administrative center of the Afghan province of Tahar, news agency reported Pajvak. The cause of the poisoning has not yet been established. Some schoolgirls delivered to city hospitals talked about a strange the smell that you felt during class. Doctors say that girls aged 14 to 22 were brought in weakened condition, their hands and feet were shaking. After first aid 60% of patients felt better and were discharged, the rest remain in hospitals. This is the second mass weekly poisoning of female students in the city of Tulukan – gas attack on Thursday students of the lyceum Bibi Hawa were exposed. To the hospital in hard 17 girls were delivered. What they were poisoned to present tense is unknown. It is believed (in any case, such opinion voiced by the media) that schoolgirls and high school students in Afghanistan poisoned by radical Muslims opposed to women’s education literacy. According to the Ministry of Education of the country, in the past the year ended in March 20 in Afghanistan, 550 were closed schools and lyceums with 300 thousand students. The reason for the closure was depressing security situation. *** This story has intersection points with earlier news … In February 2013 at the world has revealed a strange tendency to mass swoon. IN mostly young girls suffered from them.

Everything can be attributed to coincidence coincidences or to the manifestation of mass hysteria, which sometimes happens. Anyway in Central and South African countries are not new.


Schoolchildren fainted simultaneously and seemed to be in trance. When they regained consciousness, obviously frightened teenagers claimed to have seen spirits who suggested they “go to the other side. ”

“I refused, but they continued to insist that I go with them. After I became resistant, they dissolved, and I woke up “- one of the students told the journalist. Another student said the school authorities are aware of what is happening.

Schoolchildren examined in a hospital do not have doctors found deviations from health. Blame witchcraft.

The school principal, Sunshine Malambo, presented a report on this “supernatural” phenomenon in DEBs.

“We can’t give you any details, but all I can tell you, this is what we presented in DEBs and we will wait for further reaction from them, “he said.


Nobody knows exactly what caused the fainting of eleven people, mostly girls who passed out during mass in church Sydney.

An ambulance was called to assist in the Church of God Mothers, but when the car arrived, doctors found in distress already several people. Most suffered from suffocation, dizziness and nausea. They were placed in the Royal Hospital North coast.

Specialists were called in because they thought that chemical gas poisoning has occurred.

“But they couldn’t find anything.”


In New York, dozens of students at Villanova University in Pennsylvania was hospitalized for fainting and bleeding from the nose. The cause of the disease is still in the stage investigation.

The Khamzat crew rushed to the Mendel Scientific Center, and it was quickly evacuated.A photo from open sources

30 freshmen were taken to hospital after suffering their “mysterious adverse reaction” – including bleeding from nose and shortness of breath – at a regular lecture in chemistry.

It is not clear what caused the fainting – among the versions called the mistake of a professor who was also hospitalized or failed work of an obscure laboratory unit.

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The university building was examined and classes resumed.


Similar cases occur from time to time in our country as well. True, a wave of mass syncope was not directly called poisoning, but the symptoms are very similar.


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