“If I’m also a defector, then I ran from the state to the people.” – E. Snowden One of the most important world events of 2013 was Edward Snowden’s exposures of the aspirations of the United States with using the latest electronic devices to control everything humanity. Their impact on world politics continues, acquiring a strategic character in some areas. Photos from open sources In the last days of last year, the former US National Security Agency spokesman televised to the international community to once again draw attention to the severity of the problem. In his speech, Snowden remembered George Orwell’s novel “1984”, saying that the ways of surveillance for the people described by Orwell (the novel was written in 1948), look ridiculous compared to what is being done today … “The discussions now underway will determine,” he said, “how much we can trust the technology and the government around us, which governs their use. “Alas, Snowden’s video message only aired on the fourth channel of British television (Channel 4). The largest world media have tried their best. belittle the meaning of his words. The BBC, for example, did this due to the authority of their own colleagues, indicating that prior to this Channel 4 provided air to former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and even the character of the animated series “The Simpsons” Marge. However, no matter how tried in Washington as soon as possible to forget about the nightmare of revelations Snowden, their impact on world politics continues, acquiring a strategic character in some areas. 1. In the present moment we can already say that in the United States electronic tracking program for humanity will subjected to transformations, but overall will survive, especially in international part. So, the Senate Intelligence Committee approved bill strengthening US control government cyber-tracking programs but not covering them completely. Closed Hearing Committee 11 votes in favor, with 4 against, supported the introduction of new restrictions to work intelligence services with large masses of communication data, and also a five-year shelf life. After pending approval a bill by congress and its signing by the president special the court will appoint external experts for an independent assessment issues of interpretation of the law. Senate will also argue Director and Inspector General of the National Agency US Security (NSA). Experts wrote that “if The United States wants to reduce its dangerous dependency on demagogy and duplicity, it is necessary to agree with real public oversight and open democratic debate on foreign policy. The era of unpunished hypocrisy is over. “At one time it seemed that the turn may be more decisive when December 16, 2013 Federal District Court in Washington Decides to Stop Gathering information on telephone calls, satisfying the lawsuit of two Americans to the government and the NSA. The court decided that the collection program call information is contrary to the fourth amendment to the US Constitution protecting US citizens from unreasonable searches. In the world it was perceived as a prelude to a possible Snowden’s rehabilitation. However, on January 3, the US court on surveillance of foreign intelligence allowed the security services to continue massive collection of information on American telephone calls citizens. On the same day, the US Department of Justice filed for U.S. Court of Appeals Protest Federal District Decision court to block the wiretap program. This round is for the Big Brother. “It is expected that as a result of the scandal, the head of the NSA, General Keith Alexander may resign in the spring of 2014. He heads agency since 2005. One of the likely candidates for the post of the new Head of NSA The Guardian calls Vice Admiral Michael Rogers who currently runs the Cyber Command branch American naval forces. Will it mean weakening electronic wiretapping in the US arsenal? Not at all. Despite all the noise around the global tracking system, the White House does not intend abandon the created potential, and going to even more to secret these structures, hiding them in the bowels of the Pentagon, to which as a “more reliable” keeper of secrets will be transferred to many functions of the current NSA. This was one of the recommendations of the special commission set up by order of President Obama after Snowden’s revelations. She, in particular, suggested turning NSA Information Security Administration into a separate agency under Pentagon jurisdiction. In the coming years, the Pentagon intends to five times increase the number of Cyber Command – specialized structures within the US armed forces from the current 900 to 4900 human. Experts do not exclude that the figure may increase. Other Pentagon divisions face massive layoffs. Moreover, Cyber command can give independent status. Now it along with strategic nuclear forces, missile defense and space forces is part of a single Strategic US Strategic Command. It is assumed that the new command, in addition to protecting networks and collecting information, will conduct offensive cyber operations against hostile states and organizations “from the United States or its allies. Together serious lines of contention lay between the intelligence community and the US government when White House representatives constantly they tried to pretend that they and the president had nothing to do with it, but intelligence officers were wiretapping almost of their own free will and for themselves. In their ranks, such treacherous and unscrupulous the behavior of their own customers caused outrage. In the article published in the Los Angeles Times, representatives the U.S. intelligence community rejected claims that President Barack Obama and his aides did not know about wiretapping so high level. Wiretapping leaders friendly countries conducted with the approval of the White House and State Department, current and former employees say American intelligence. “People are furious,” said one of high ranking sources. – The White House officially cuts off self intelligence community. “2. No small political difficulties in relations with countries other than the US have experienced and the remaining members of the so-called Five-Eyed Union (Five Eyes), or Anglo-spheres – Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, when it turned out their unsightly role in the global cyber espionage. It turned out that Washington and the nearest Allies was not quite conscientious. US Signs Agreements mutual rejection of espionage with the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Many of their other partners, like Berlin and Paris, they hope for such an agreement. But, as it turned out, such the document is not an obstacle for Americans. It is authentically known that Great Britain was also monitored, most likely also Canada and Australia. Relations in this sphere have seriously worsened London with Brussels, which intends to directly indicate to the British that British intelligence practices contrary to general policy EU security. In connection with the incident, the European Commission going to appeal to the European court in Luxembourg in order so that he decides to terminate the secret electronic British surveillance if EU law was theirs broken. This possible court order will have priority over British national law. The European Commission actually demanded that the British give the legal basis of the Center’s espionage activities Communications (GCHQ), which downloaded contact information online with more than 200 fiber optic communication channels. Seriously unhappy Germany. British intelligence had a network of “points” electronic espionage “a few steps from the Bundestag and the office Chancellor Angela Merkel, using equipment for this, located on the roof of the embassy. Relationship problems London with a number of Middle Eastern countries, as it turned out that spying on their leaders, including Israel, was carried out in close cooperation with the American intelligence services from the territory of the British Dekelia military base located in Cyprus, near the line division of the island into the Greek and Turkish parts. It confirmed Snowden-based journalistic investigation, conducted by the Greek newspaper Ta Nea. Claims to Canberra put forward by many countries in the Asia-Pacific region when from NSA documents revealed that Australia also allowed Americans use their embassies in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China and Timor Leste for espionage activities. Canada, as it turned out, in the interests of the “five-eyed union” specialized in economic espionage for Mexico and Brazil, in particular for their oil and gas companies. 3. When US demonstrative readiness to “amicably” settle all complications arising from the findings of tracking to the closest allies, the worm settled in relations with them doubts will not disappear. Explain these facts by necessity counter-terrorism will no longer succeed. For leaders allied with By Washington countries it became apparent that in this way the US kept them continuously monitored, resulting in unilateral advantages. They don’t talk about it out loud, but you can not to doubt what conclusions are being drawn. German Chancellor demanded that The United States concluded an agreement with Berlin and Paris before the end of the year refusal to spy on each other. Spying on two the closest allies should be discontinued, she said. This the initiative can be further supported by other members of the European Union, announced Merkel. EU leaders have already expressed support the French-German plan. “Friendship and partnership between countries The EU, including Germany, and the United States is not a one-way street movement, said Merkel. “We rely on them.” But also in the USA there are good reasons to have friends in the world. ” EU Justice Issues Vivienne Reading: “We Can’t Conduct negotiations on a large transatlantic market, if any the slightest doubt is that our partners are spying on our offices and negotiators. “However, it would be naive to believe that Washington is strong and deeply layered positions in Europe will allow her to slip so easily from her strong cyber hugs. This, in particular, manifested itself at the end last year when deciding on the invitation of Edward Snowden to hearings at the European Parliament on December 18, or at least to hold remote video call. Representative “consistently the atlantist “European People’s Party (EPP), which has the most a large faction in the European Parliament, said on December 12 that conservative European deputies voted not to to allow Snowden’s video address to the European parliament, and thereby blocked him. According to the “consistent atlantist,” this the stock would have “negative consequences for the transatlantic relationship, which is extremely undesirable in anticipation of signing free trade agreement between the US and the EU. “Among offended turned out to be such a strategic ally of the United States as Israel, who recognized about the total listening to your guide, including those taken closer to the government quarter of Jerusalem numbers hotels. At the same time, for many years, Americans refused release a life-sentenced prison Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard, citing the fact that such behavior “is immoral and unacceptable in the relationship between closest allies. “Now in Israel they talk about” monstrous the hypocrisy of the White House and demand the release of Pollard almost in ultimatum order. 4. Significant exposure exposure Snowden had on US relations with Brazil. President Dilma Rousseff, who canceled a state visit to Washington due to opened tracking her, in no hurry to indicate new dates visit and insists on a major change in the White House’s course cybersecurity. Brazilian deal breaks down 4 billion US fighters. Rousseff rejected explanations of Washington claiming that intelligence NSA’s activity is “exclusively to prevent recognition of terrorist threats and is not motivated by commercial interests. “According to her, the joint penetration of US intelligence and Canada to the Brazilian Ministry of Mining and hacking computer networks of the oil company Petrobras – it’s not that other than industrial espionage. Canadian ambassador was called in Brazilian Foreign Ministry, where he was asked for clarification in connection with “serious and unacceptable violations” of the sovereignty of Brazil and intrusion into secrecy of commercial activities of companies. Scandal is expanding since the NSA has used telecommunications Brazil’s infrastructure to spy on governments and others Latin American states. “I have frost on my skin when I hear that they spy on us with the help of their agents in Brazil, “- said Cristina Fernndez, former president Argentina. Mexico, in turn, expressed outrage over NSA staff read e-mails of former president Felipe Calderon and Mexican Ministers. Mexican Foreign Ministry called this practice “unacceptable, illegal and contrary to the Mexican and international law. “Now Latin America consider creating a communication system, which would protect them from intelligence activities USA. New project pending South American Union Nations (UNASUR), uniting 12 states. In Asia, besides China and India, seriously affected by US actions Indonesia. There after the emergence of reports of surveillance of intelligence services in Australia and the United States for by the Indonesian leadership, including President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, and tapping the phones of Indonesian citizens mass protests took place. In a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia it is noted that US actions are regarded not only as “unauthorized entry, but also as serious violation of diplomatic rules and ethical standards. “5. Not having the ability to directly blame Russia for “fanning the scandal around Snowden “by virtue of the restraint of her position, Washington nonetheless with with the help of allies trying to undermine confidence in everything from Moscow. So, a clumsy attempt was made to blame the Russian side is that during the last meeting of the G20 in September 2013 years in St. Petersburg, after the appearance of Snowden in Sheremetyevo, delegations and journalists were transferred computer flash drives and cell chargers phones that were actually hacking devices computers and cell phones. Information about this was posted only Italian tabloids, and even then with reservations, that all this is possible only a provocation. Although it’s theoretically possible to create something like this, but such devices only make sense if they return back to the donor. And give “nowhere” evidence against themselves ridiculous. The sensation did not live long. Russia in a statement by the Foreign Ministry denied reports that she tried to spy on foreign representatives at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg, calling the allegations “an attempt to switch attention with revelations pertaining to the American NSA. ” at the same time, Russia is already drawing the necessary conclusions regarding the need to protect their communication systems. Announced in in particular, about the imminent creation of a cyber command of the RF Armed Forces. In general, by The opinion of the famous French Kremlinologist Tom Gomard, the case Snowden is perceived in the world as “another moral defeat USA. “Like Guantanamo, the word PRISM has become a symbol of retreat from democratic values in a country that cannot find balance between their constitutional principles and the fight against terrorism. “6. Leading international organizations also continue learn from reports of total surveillance by them from Americans. In the circle of objects of surveillance, not only were involved UN, IMF, World Bank, IAEA, but also UNICEF Children’s, Doctors Without borders “and others. 32 newspapers around the world published an appeal writers protesting against the systematic collection of personal information on the Internet. 560 of 83 authors signed under the text countries, including living classics such as Umberto Eco, Gunther Grass, Tom Stoppard. “Tracking is theft,” the writers say, – because this data is not in the public domain. They are belong to us. And when they are used for forecasting of our behavior, something else is being stolen from us: free will, a prerequisite for the existence of freedom and democracy … We urge the United Nations to recognize priority the importance of civil rights in the digital age and take binding enforcement of the International Convention on Digital Rights. We urge governments of all countries recognize this convention and adhere to her. “Note that for several years Russia has been advocating a similar initiative. December 19, 2013 UN General Assembly unanimously approved a resolution to protect Internet users from illegal surveillance. Stubbornly drowning her “five-eyed reconnaissance alliance “represented by the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand did not even dare to vote against, having achieved, however, weakening of the language that espionage could be violation of human rights. As stated in the document, on the Internet full privacy should be ensured. “Illegal wiretapping and electronic communication tracking citizens are unacceptable and must be terminated. “Resolution calls for also all UN countries to carry out the necessary reforms intelligence agencies and special services. In particular, it is proposed create independent supervisory bodies that would determine the relevance and validity of Network surveillance in each particular case. 7. A wave of creation of our own systems and electronic communications protection tools to overcome depending on the USA. Many of the major Internet companies warned that American business may lose part of the profit abroad, because, having lost confidence in the Americans, customers will give preference to local providers. According to the American Information Technology & Innovation Research Group Foundation, loss of technology companies due to scandal around NSA could reach $ 35 billion by 2016, as users doubt how reliable these companies provide data confidentiality. Eight companies, including Microsoft Corp, Twitter, LinkedIn Corp, Yahoo Inc and AOL Inc., signed letter in which they formulated their concerns. They are afraid that “people will not use technology that they do not trust.” And competitors are not asleep. To expansion in the international market telecommunications technology is preparing the Chinese giant Huawei, guaranteeing its customers complete freedom from the back doors and the possibility of reliable custom encoding. The Chinese are planning to intercept a significant share of customers of American companies, especially in third world countries. With their commercial motto they proclaim “safety.” IT industry boom in Germany. Telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom reported on their intention, together with other companies, to create their own a system that would include a postal service, a search engine and allow to prevent the collection of information on citizens of Germany and the EU as a whole. Cloud computing industry can expect annual growth of 37 percent over the next years, experts of the German Association predict Internet industry. “We Europeans need to work together to overcome dependence on the USA and China and offer our own technology, “said German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Politicians have become to say that Europe needs an Internet counterpart aircraft manufacturing concern EADS, which managed thanks to its Airbus liners catch up with Boeing. But “in war, as in war”: the armor is strengthened, and the projectile is improved. As reported on January 3 The Washington Post, the NSA is trying to create its own quantum a computer that could crack almost any system encryption. In the case of its creation, no one in the world will be able to feel protected. The project is part of Implementation for Complex Goals research program, at the implementation of which allocated 79.7 million dollars. Big part of the work is carried out at the Laboratory of Physical Sciences in College Park in Maryland. Unlike bits that used in conventional computers, a quantum computer is based on the work of qubits that accidentally pass into one of their states. It is assumed that with certain tasks quantum the computer will cope many times faster than usual, as does not execute operations sequentially one after another, but skips unnecessary steps to solve. If some time ago scientists They said that to create a quantum computer, at least 100 years old, now, according to one of the leading specialists in quantum mechanics from MIT Seth Lloyd can to say that the result will be achieved within the next decades, but not earlier than 5 years, since in this area scientists still need to work hard. Like every great thing invention, quantum computers will be able to solve many grand tasks, including the creation of artificial intelligence. However when the main customer of their creation is the NSA, then thoughts do not come on the welfare of mankind, and on the establishment of a complete and final control.
Australia Angels Barack Obama Great Britain War Time Germany Israel China Mexico Russia USA