Photo from open sources In life, we face every step of the way surrogates. Take, for example, an oil substitute – margarine, soy or chicory, which is used instead of coffee. Stories are known and more Exotic surrogates, such as ersatz weapons. During the war the American industry produced a disposable gun FP-45 with pathetic name “Liberator” (“Liberator”), the cost was only two and a half dollars. However the greatest substitutes received distribution in the monetary sphere. Despicable paper The appearance of financial surrogates is associated with history occurrence of paper money as the equivalent of metal. After all, a piece of paper with printed numbers, in fact, was conditional copy of real coins: copper, silver and gold. The first bills known to us appeared in China during the reign Tang Dynasty in the VIII century. In Europe, about Chinese money has become known from the Venetian merchant and traveler Marco Polo, traveled to Beijing in 1286. This money was made from mulberry tree leaves and exchanged for metal in necessary cases and with special permission. Banknotes were initially limited geographically and by validity. If the bill was presented later than the declared period, for it they gave an amount less than the nominal cost. These days, this technique will get an interesting continuation, but more on that later. The earliest of the European banknotes appeared in Sweden in 1661. These were faded paper cuts numerous autographs of employees of the Stockholm Bank, issuing banknotes. That is, people sat and signed each sheet by hand. Massachusetts first time in the New World in 1690 issued paper notes. It should be noted that new money taken with great pleasure, unlike Swedish surrogates, canceled fast enough. However, American the experiment ended in failure. The war with Canada caused depreciation of paper banknotes, and in 1750 the state had circulation of metallic money has been restored. In 1694 National Bank of Great Britain issues paper pounds worth one million gold. For this colossal amount you can was to buy almost half the country. However, after this, such an avalanche of fakes that had to be withdrawn from circulation unsecured one-pound bills, replacing them with coins. IN continental Europe the first paper money was printed in France in 1716, they were provided with gold and were in circulation on a par with coins. This moment is considered the starting point in stories of paper banknotes. Napoleon as a counterfeiter France also distinguished itself as the first country in the state level used one of the varieties of money substitutes for undermining the economy of hostile powers. It all started in 1806, when in the vicinity of Paris at the direction of Napoleon was arranged Vienna Bank Treasury Counterfeit Factory. After that how in 1810 Napoleon married the daughter of an Austrian monarch Marie-Louise, the issue of Austrian fakes was discontinued. Factory was reoriented to British pounds, and the day before Russian-French war of 1812 mass production began already Russian bills. Thanks to french zeal fakes, subsequently nicknamed “Napoleonic”, significantly superior to Russian originals. They differed more clear watermarks, deep embossed text embossing and engraved signatures. Recall that genuine Russian bank notes are still signed manually. Ignorance by the French Russian language led to funny typos: in words “state” and “walking” the letter “d” turned into “l”, and in The printed signatures of Pavel turned into Paviv. French troops from the first days of the occupation began to shove fake villagers pieces of paper in exchange for food and fodder. However, Russian peasants never in their life held in the hands of royal bills, because even the smallest bill for them was a significant amount. therefore the French had to carry out explanatory work, explaining serf ideas about the benefits of paper money. Since the peasants were also illiterate, then the features of the spelling of their counterfeit money decidedly not worried. A long time after the end of the war “Napoleonic” walked on the territory of the Russian Empire. To fight with them, Emperor Alexander I chose dear, but the most humane method: ordered to accept them for payment as real, and already from banks seize and destroy. More than a hundred years later, French know-how used in Soviet Russia. Stalin OGPU implemented an operation in which ten million were printed counterfeit dollars. The purpose of the operation is quite noble – financially support the industrialization unfolding in the country. Despite the high quality of the work of Soviet craftsmen, fake opened due to “minor inaccuracies in the decorated banknotes “Benjamin Franklin.” Free Money Most a striking example of monetary substitutes are the so-called “free” or “interest-free” money. History of their occurrence associated with the name of the German amateur economist Silvio Gesell. IN 1911 in Berlin, he published a work in which he proposed create a new currency, free from interest and used exclusively as an exchange tool. In 1932, his idea was successful came true in the Austrian town of Wergl. Local the magistrate put into circulation 5,000 interest-free “free shilling. “While the whole Western world tried not to drown in the waves of the Great Depression and struggled with rising unemployment, in Vergle she dropped a quarter. Urban condition has been improved roads, a number of new structures were built, which included pool and ski jump. Despite these impressive achievements, The National Bank of Austria soon banned the use of gazelle money. This is not surprising, because the experiment was a serious threat to the monopoly of the state bank, especially since experience Vergl were seriously interested in other regions of the country. In 2011 the year the baton was picked up by the Bashkir village of Shaimuratovo. because of accumulated financial problems the general director of the local agricultural enterprises Arthur Nurgaliev introduced his own currency – “schemuratiki.” In fact, they were commodity coupons, which partially paid salaries. Like Vergle, an experiment demonstrated high efficiency – the enterprise was saved from actual bankruptcy, and the total turnover of the village grew by 12 time. Despite these impressive successes, the Bashkir prosecutor’s office and Republican court found this initiative illegal. Local Currency in Shaimuratovo was banned. Dashing 90s Real the dawn of ersatz money came in Russia in the 1920s. Their bills printed cities, communes and even institutions. This revelry was discontinued only in 1935 by special decree of the Council of People’s Commissars. Not less, in the USSR, along with ordinary money, continued to exist Vneshpostoshtorg checks, which were accepted in Berezka stores, and even special gulag checks. This is only in the post-Soviet mythologies, prisoners were powerless slaves. In fact, many of them received quite a substantial wage for labor. Usually, non-cash money to a bank account. Cash role performed shtetl checks and settlement marks. Another burst of ersatz money occurred after the collapse of the USSR. In 1992, Minister of Finance Egor Gaidar signed a special circular, which actually gave the go-ahead for the introduction of “local money” into circulation. Thereafter own currencies began to print republics, regions, cities, separate areas and “business entities”. For example, Sverdlovsk Governor Eduard Rossel Announces Launch Ural franc. Even criminals released their money groupings. As an example, the so-called “Sopi” produced by the Annunciation Association “SOPIT”, which was a branch of the same mafia group. Particularly distinguished Yekaterinburg “School Bank”, created on the basis of school number 7, who organized the release of metal money. It came to funny things. So, the Volgograd administration decided to order their own banknotes of the Russian-Italian company Italsovmont. When the same currency with the images of Tsars Ivan III and Peter I was brought to Volgograd, it turned out that the inscriptions on the banknotes are made on Italian language! But this did not bother the local authorities. Money here they dubbed it “lyres” and put it into circulation. They are a few more years “walked” around the region. Only in 1998 after coming to power government of Yevgeny Primakov ersatz money began gradually out of circulation. Last attempt to release your own coins was undertaken in 2008 by the president of the republic Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. Like German post-war money, new coins were minted in England, but after the departure of Shaimiev they were never retired. Tac toe in computer The most striking example of monetary substitutes – virtual currencies, or cryptocurrencies. The essence of such money is in the fact that they are stored on electronic media – smart cards or computer hard drive. This “cash” pay for various services within the framework of electronic payment systems on the Internet. In 2009, a fundamentally new electronic currency was created – Bitcoin It has a number of features. First of all it lack of a single center issuing and controlling bitcoin. Payments are made directly, without any mediation. financial organizations. The second feature of this electronic currency – her complete anonymity. At the moment, bitcoins in quality Hundreds of stores and services accept payments. Curious intrigue associated with the author of this virtual currency Satoshi Nakamoto. His nationality and place of residence, as well as real name, until still not known. Some people think that Satoshi is not a person, but a whole group of people hiding under one name. Attempts find out who is actually hiding behind this pseudonym, acquired the form of a real fever. Numerous researchers conduct linguistic analysis of articles and letters of Nakamoto, study its program code and are looking for minimal hints of communication with real by people. There is a version that the author of Bitcoins is an employee US National Security Agency Tutsaki Okamoto. Supporters conspiracy theories suggest that bitcoin technology is rooted in some “subversive” goals. However, this version is still unlikely. Bitcoin, being essentially an anonymous currency, is little suitable for the role of means of control and monitoring of monetary Worldwide transfers for US interests. Currency from probably the most exotic variety surrogate money – the currency intended for settlements in afterlife. This cargo cult is extremely common in China, Vietnam and Taiwan. Specially made money, or “Underworld banknotes,” often styled like American dollars, burned at the grave of the deceased. The afterlife is for judges another world, which determine the posthumous fate of the deceased. IN depending on their lifetime deeds, the souls of the dead are reborn in heaven or hell. After that, they get new bodies on Earth. It is believed that such a bribe is quite acceptable and should be beneficial influence the decision of judges of the other world. Afterlife bribe addressed directly to the “Emperor of the Underworld” Yanlo-wan, whose capital is in the underground city of Yudu. According to rough estimates only in China the turnover of “coffin notes” makes about 800 million dollars, and are engaged in their production hundreds of thousands of people. A curious detail – on “hellish bills” often featured images of famous politicians such as Kennedy, Roosevelt, Stalin and Khrushchev. The Chinese believe that the spirits of the world leaders can petition in favor of the deceased. By the way The largest range of fake banknotes at the state level acquired in the Third Reich. Since the late 1930s in Germany systematic work on manufacturing fake english currency. As a result of “Operation Bernhard” to the beginning of 1945, the Germans produced 134.6 million false pounds sterling. They were executed so high quality that the British government decided to withdraw all from circulation five pound banknotes and print new ones, not without reason believing that a significant part of them is fake. In revenge after graduation Second World War, the new government of Germany deprived of the opportunity print money on its territory. Until 1955 them printed in London. Moreover, the new German money was not even watermarked. As a result, West Germany literally a wave of fakes swept over. There are predictions that electronic Bitcoin currency can occupy an important niche in payment systems, making the usual currencies “move”, just like Skype’s free Internet telephony pretty much squeezed traditional telephone companies. The famous billionaire Warren Buffett said in an interview with CNBC that he does not share euphoria around cryptocurrency: “Stay away from it. Speaking simplistically, this is a mirage of money. This is a method of transferring money, but not yourself money “. Alexey Komogortsev
War Time Germany Money Life China Napoleon Bonaparte Russia USSR USA