Sunbathing suddenly became doubly harmful

Sunbathing suddenly became doubly harmfulPhotos from open sources of

If previously, scientists warned all lovers of the sun tanning that ultraviolet light promotes skin cancer, now they went further – it turns out that the sun’s rays trigger the mechanism in our body, which continues to be detrimental to cells skin even after leaving the beach.

The main protector of human skin is melanin, however, as it turned out that he can not only protect, but no less and harm our health. Melanin is like a firefly, scientists say. On the beach, he accumulates solar energy, and then begins give, thereby continuing the effect on our skin cover of solar radiation.

It turns out that melanin does not protect, but only “stretches” the process of exposure to ultraviolet light on human skin.

This discovery, scientists say, allows with completely new positions approach the creation of products that protect our skin from the sun. It is necessary, they emphasize, to create a barrier not only for ultraviolet light of the sun itself, but also suppress a similar effect with side of melanin.

The sun

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