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Everything will become somewhat strange. This conclusion makes National Intelligence Council – American Coalition intelligence agencies that just published its forecast of what awaits us in 2030. Board Forecast It is a 140-page report, work on which brought together putting together the best intelligence minds to determine – what should we expect in the next few decades. “We are at the critical point of divergence in our history, which can lead to very different options for the future, “writes Council Chairman Christopher Coim in the report. Next few years beneficial for experimentation since the future is now is “malleable,” as Coim concludes, what the present does the best time to start improving technology of the space age, which were previously considered “not of this world.” FROM on the other hand, the Council is inclined to believe that a cyborg society and super-cities is a reality of a not-so-distant future. “Our goal is to inspire decision-making in the ranks government or beyond, for reflection and long-term planning – so that negative options for the future do not came, and positives were more likely to happen, “writes Tip. This effect may seem to some somewhat too strong because it includes offers for peace tomorrow in which certain changes will be required the human race to make good use of shrinking resources as humanity grows and expands. “Thanks to shale gas, the United States will have enough natural gas to meet the needs of the nation and generate potential export surplus over the coming decades, ” Council analysts suggest in one of the possible options script of the future. As the gulf of inequality widens across the globe, experts predict that China and the US will become strong allies to tackle global issues. “Most likely worst case scenario, “experts add, involves the risk of international conflict escalating to the point at which the “United States closes inward and the process of globalization is inhibited. “From now on,” megacities will thrive and will play a leading role in the fight against global challenges. “Another possibility, by assumption authors, is that “inequality is expanding, some countries come out victorious, while others lose. Without giving up completely from this role, it must be recognized that the US is no longer are the “world gendarme” “In the next few generations” people will be able to choose the ways in which they could strengthen their physical nature just like they do it now with cosmetic surgery. “In 2030, experts say technology limb replacement will be universally available. “Eye implants of the future will allow you to see in the dark, and neuro amplifiers provide the opportunity to have better memory or speed of thinking. Neuro-machine interfaces will open access to the “superhuman” abilities, increasing strength and speed, as well as providing features that were previously completely unavailable. ”