Photo from open sources
It’s hard to believe that in the tiny American town of Elmwood with with a population of just over six hundred people someone managed to collect many valuable artifacts from all over the world. In this village on southwest Nebraska recently opened a museum called “Museum of Shadows”, which contains several hundred items, possessing mystical properties. In Russian, the name of this The institution translates as “Museum of Shadows.”
About museum artifacts
In the “Museum of Shadows” you can see the damned things, paranormal artifacts of terrestrial and alien origin, objects in who inspired the spirits, as well as much more – mysterious and inexplicable. Perhaps this is the only one in the United States a place where so many paranormal artifacts. Some of them seem funny, others – frankly strange, the third – truly creepy. According to the administration, New exhibits are added daily.
A photo from open sources
Artifacts are sent to the “Museum of Shadows” from almost all ends Sveta. Some of these items have a dark past, some as if they are animated beings and live their own life. Visitors to the institution are usually people who are not indifferent to all the wonders of our world, however, are and materialists coming here to laugh at human superstitions, or, in their best understanding, delusions. However, even the most ardent skeptics rarely leave here. without expressing embarrassment and confusion on the face, since unusual artifacts invariably make a huge impression on each person.
About the building and the organizers of an unusual museum
The building itself, where the museum is located, has the glory of an unkind places. It was opened in 1890, and the first time in it there was a pharmacy. The staff and customers noticed how the premises spontaneously moves furniture. The lights blinked over heads of visitors, and the doors opened and closed without outside help. Some people heard ghostly in the pharmacy voices and even seen vague human figures dissolving into in the air.
A photo from open sources
The organizers and owners of the Shadow Museum are Nate and Kayleigh, known as experienced supernatural researchers. The couple periodically gets on television and helps compatriots to cope with one or another devilry. According to lovers, their institution aims to not scare visitors, but give them the opportunity to get acquainted with that side of life, which is not talk in schools and science programs. By the way, now Nate and Kayleigh is working on her own program, which will also outlandish artifacts illuminated.
The most remarkable exhibits of the museum
One of the most notable exhibits at the Shadow Museum is a catty porcelain doll that has the property of blinking, sitting still, and seeing people off with a terrible meaningful look. Here you can also find the red mask of the devil, whose paranormal the power is so great that to show the whole thing to visitors the organizers of the museum do not even dare. Part of the mask is covered with a scarf, and in photographs of the museum you can see only a fragment of it. Believed that any person who looks in the face of this “devil” will damned in life, and if he puts a mask on himself, then forever his soul will be damned.
A photo from open sources
And how do you like the gramophone, periodically losing some old-fashioned song without electricity, without wind up spring mechanism and even without a plate? Also here you are meet, presumably, an alien piece of metal in the form a kind of thicket from which water not only does not evaporate, but also splashing out, no matter how you swing it. In the farthest corner of the hall you can find a stuffed cat that can shine in the twilight with his eyes, just like a living cat, while the eyes begin to move, as if the animal actually comes to life. A vintage wooden watch notable for the fact that their arrows go back, that’s just Nate and Kayleigh doesn’t tell anyone what the secret of the strange mechanism is: it’s still one secret that cannot be fully disclosed to avoid bad consequences. True, many honors guess that there is something It’s connected with time, which jokes are really bad …
Come to the museum and become more intelligent
The owners of the museum follow each of their exhibits, and potentially aggressive artifacts are fenced off from the inhabitants by special energy safety barriers visitors. According to Nate and Kayleigh, only they can cope with so many magical items not endangering other people’s lives.
A photo from open sources
The Museum of Shadows is open from Wednesday to Sunday, from nine o’clock morning to five in the evening. If you ever find yourself in Elmwood, Be sure to visit this amazing and unique place. Such The visit is not just interesting and informative. Judging by the reviews, that visitors leave, the museum just changes the mind people about our reality. It’s like that rare case when a person is faced with something paranormal in life and becomes after that completely different. And then you don’t even have to wait happy luck, go to the museum and, as they say, be surprised and become more intelligent …
Time Ancient Artifacts Life Cats USA