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As one contemporary critic said, there is no writer who never addressed the topic of sex and the topic of supernatural, since gender relations, like mysticism, are inalienable components of our being.
Another thing is that many pen masters are embarrassed by such works and never show them off, that is, do not print. However, these works still pop up “from nothingness, “because, as Woland aptly noted from” The Masters and Margarita, “manuscripts do not disappear without a trace.
Writer Turgenev on the Supernatural
The great Russian classic of the nineteenth century, a sober realist Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in the sixties of his century suddenly falls into mystical moods and begins to print stories about supernatural than very surprised colleagues in the pen. His the story “Ghosts” produced in the literary circles of then-Russia the impression of an exploding bomb.
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However, the classic was forgiven for such a prank, though, as it turned out, it was far from a joke of a pen, since behind the first mystical the story was followed by others, in particular, “Dog,” “Sleep, Clock,” “Song of triumphant love” and some other works, which today are part of a series of “mysterious stories” Turgenev.
But why did Ivan Sergeevich address this topic and didn’t even was afraid to make a laughing stock of contemporaries? Think it connected primarily with the personal mystical experience of a venerable the writer. It’s enough to recall a practically documentary story Guy de Maupassant from the words of Turgenev himself as a writer, yet as a young man he met a yeti female on the lake, which, playfully, chased after him and which he drove away from him with a whip only sub-reserve (for the latter, to the surprise of Ivan Sergeyevich, it was something mundane, like driving a lone wolf from cows). Judging by mystical stories of Turgenev, later he came across with more mysterious phenomena, which were difficult to explain by logic. But also brush aside all this, being really great realist, Ivan Sergeyevich simply could not.
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Another thing, he had the courage to transfer mysticism to his realistic works without fear of condemnation and criticism with parties of other writers who, of course, immediately took up arms against him. And again, you can guess why: they themselves such courage was not enough, because it is difficult to believe that none of these critical skeptics have ever encountered mysticism, about which Turgenev dared to tell in his works. it today for us the way out of the astral body, foresight, levitation, teleportation, UFOs, aliens and so on has become something commonplace. AND although not everyone still believes in it, but almost everyone has heard about “such miracles”, and present them in our time is no longer through “fiction” of a work of art, but as real facts of being. In the second half of the nineteenth century mystical tales perceived far ambiguously, especially if they suddenly started to get out of the pen of such a venerable realist …
The writer Lebkov about the supernatural
After all, even to writers who lived a century later than Turgenev, that is, in the end of the last century, to which belonged, for example, Evgeny Lebkov (1928-2005), it was still not easy to push through works of mysticism, especially since many of them did not see sense to present it in the form of fiction, and talk about it, as a real existing phenomenon, has not been accepted so far. However, about all sorts of unusual things that happened to writers, they tried to share with their readers.
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Here is how Eugene describes one mystical incident from his life. Dmitrievich Lebkov. In 1975, he left for the Kuril Islands to come to himself after a divorce from his wife. Going fishing on August 14 local river, he noticed a slightly smoking volcano The aunt who, as volcanologists promised, was supposed to “explode” a couple of weeks. Throwing fishing rods, the writer sat down on the shore and … I woke up already lying on a trestle bed in some forest hut. Moreover his physical condition was worse than ever: the body ached, as if after hard work without habit, nauseous, before my eyes rainbow circles … With difficulty rising, Lebkov noticed three men at the table, who were clearly delighted that he woke up. Of their the story followed that the writer came here somewhere a couple of hours ago, came clearly not in himself, as if drunk, although alcohol from him didn’t smell. He went into the hut and collapsed unconscious to the floor …
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And here Lebkov noticed through the window that the Tyatya volcano might and main smokes, although scientists promised an increase in its activity only towards the end august. The volcano woke up, he remarked, and promised only at the end august. These words quite surprised the men in the hut. And today what, they remarked skeptically, August 29th – is this not the end of the month? Something you, soaring, are completely brainless …
It turned out that Evgeny Dmitrievich did not remember where he was and what did as much as two weeks, and the forest hut, as it turned out, stood on the other side of the river on which he began his unsuccessful fishing, although not so far from that place.
A photo from open sources
Later, the writer was constantly tormented by some strange hallucinations that evoked sensation in him dangers and obscure images of swirling animals, like lizards. Moreover, Lebkov was convinced that this swirling was meaningful the speech that he is in that half-delirium half-asleep is somehow beautiful I understood.
It was strange and another: disappearing for about two weeks, Eugene did not lost a kilogram of weight, moreover – he did not even overgrown with stubble During this time…
Volcanoes Peru Russia