Surprisingly: in Chukotka in one place accumulated two hundred polar bears

Amazing: in Chukotka, two hundred polar bears have accumulated in one placeA photo from open sources

First, this is a strange cluster of polar bears in Chukotka. noticed tourists traveling on the cruise ship “Academic Shokalsky “. This happened in the reserve” Wrangel Island “, tourists who were extremely struck by such an abundance of white bears in in one place, they even started to count them: about 250 individuals of different gender and age, they determined “by eye”.

A photo from open sources

Then, scientists quickly connected to this unique event. Here’s how his environmental officer comments Enlightenment of the reserve “Wrangel Island” Anastasia Petukhova:

For polar bears, this is completely uncharacteristic – gather in such flocks. And then a whole cluster, and in this mass polar bears can be seen both males and females with different cubs ages. All of them were attracted by the smell of prey, as ashore threw out a huge carcass of an adult whale. Polar bears – animals single, exception – mother with cubs. However, it is easy prey and attracted, apparently, bears. But the whale thrown away here to the shore – an extremely rare phenomenon, almost exceptional, therefore, the mass gathering of whites has become exceptional bears.

A photo from open sources

The scientist also clarified that this is not the whole population. polar bears reserve, although at first glance it seems that all the bears of the island fled here. No, there are many more. Characteristically and the fact that among the gathered predators there was no competitive struggle: apparently, there was enough food for everyone – I got a big whale…

Bears Islands

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