Photo from open sources
Sense of humor is a human psychological a feature that, it would seem, cannot be artificially captured, nor in any way lose. You are born either with feeling humor, or without it.
However, an amazing incident that happened at the end of the past years with an English patient showed that this personality quality can be lost in case of a brain tumor, and then restore it after removal of excess neoplasm in to the head.
Thirty-four year old Andrew Lowellin of Manchester, working office clerk, one morning woke up and immediately noticed a strange change in your psyche. A man who has always been enviable with a sense of humor, could never joke at breakfast with his the bride. Arriving at work, the Englishman heard a joke from a colleague, who made everyone laugh at the office, but Andrew himself found a joke absolutely stupid and not funny. Returning home, Andrew discovered favorite entertainment site, but not a single message caused Briton even smile.
This went on for a week. Relatives and friends of Levellina quickly noticed that the man completely stopped smiling, joking and respond to humor. They began to question whether Andrew’s order, and then the Englishman decided to see a doctor.
Doctors, after a thorough examination of the patient, found in him a cyst in the brain that squeezed the department corresponding for speech. True, Andrew did not stop talking, but his feeling The humor disappeared somewhere, which really surprised the hospital staff. The man underwent a four-hour removal operation neoplasms, and after two days to him as unexpectedly a sense of humor returned. According to doctors, Levelin joked after without stopping, because I could not get enough of the returnee to him wit.
Andrew is about to marry his friend. Lovers planned a wedding long before the man was hospitalized, and now that he’s fully recovered, they intend to get married on some tropical island.
To all who suddenly left a sense of humor, Levelin recommends go to the hospital immediately. Perhaps the point is not at all that your character suddenly soured.