Swiss cheese makers sure music improves the taste of cheese

Swiss cheese makers believe music improves the taste of cheeseA photo from open sources

Swiss living in the Emmental region and producing there the famous cheese of the same name, talked about its very unusual experiment. Not so long ago, local cheese makers decided check whether music can affect the quality of their product, and intensely engaged in experiments in this direction.

Starting this September, Beat Vampfleur and his colleagues daily include in their cheese factory music: from works classics to groovy rock. Wampfler is convinced that the temperature moisture and cheese are far from the only factors affecting its maturation.

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​the Swiss sounds very strange and even fantastic, they managed to attract experts from University of the Arts in Bern. Initially, experts expressed undisguised skepticism, however, then studied in the laboratory conditions, the chemical composition of cheeses before and after “listening” to them music. It turned out that there is a difference, and significant.

This is not surprising, since scientists are already proved long ago that music is able to influence, for example, development plants and water composition. Why wouldn’t she affect the taste of cheese, also consisting of up to 40 percent of the water and also one of the most refined and demanding in the preparation of products?

The real test for cheese makers will be March 15 next years when they will take their products to a nationwide Swiss cheese fair. It is there that reputable judges will determine how much the “emmental-music lover” differs from its “brothers”, never heard music. If the “musical” cheese is really will be tastier, more refined and aromatic than usual, then a new other Swiss companies will probably want to adopt the technology cheese makers.


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