Syria as the beginning of World War III

Syria as the beginning of the Third WorldPhotos from open sources

As Vladimir Vysotsky sang, if the Trojans believed Cassandra, “Troy, perhaps, would be used to this day.” Indeed, how many times in human history prophets predicted tragic events, and contemporaries and descendants did not hear them!

You don’t have to go far for examples. Today, everyone considering himself educated, knows that on the eve of the Great World War II the tomb of Tamerlane was opened – contrary to warning local elders threatening disasters and beginning war. Today’s world is not much different from the early forties last century. As poets say, modern humanity “pregnant with war.” Already not the first year in the fire of civilians, but really – colonial wars are blazing Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya. Arsonists “run with matches” around Syria … The main ones military conflicts ahead, and the most real of them, threatening to draw the whole modern world into war is the war of Iran with Israel. Its beginning, according to various sources, the special services of the leading countries of the world expected since spring 2012. While God has mercy, but for how long? It’s interesting what the famous prophets of the past thought about this, actually proved the validity of their forecasts.

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NOSTRADAMUS IN THE COURSE OF THE CASE It turns out the famous Nostradamus foresaw Libyan events several centuries ago. IN he wrote in the fifth century: People of the Sun will certainly not pass the sea. People Venus will take over Africa. Their kingdom will not include (land) Saturn And the Asian part (their countries) will change. Most translators and researchers of the centuries of Nostradamus believe that the people of the Sun are Christians; the people of Venus are Muslims; land of Saturn – Israel; Africa and Asia were considered territories of North Africa and Asia Minor. Indeed, the people of the Sun (troops of European countries) are not crossed the sea (did not conduct a land operation). People of Venus – fanatical Muslims how we make sure every day by overthrowing the secular governments of Africa are gradually seizing power on the continent, and not forgetting to expel those who are still from the mainland recently actively helped them get rid of former rulers. A SAD SYBILLA SONG The words of Nostradamus sound in unison the prophecies of another world famous foreteller of the distant of the past. Sibyl of Eritrea in the “Sibyl Book,” which contains prophecies from Creation to its last days, also mentions Libya: Mournful Libya, who will take your troubles to calculate? Who, Cyrene, will worthy of you among the mortals pay? Your moans will be silenced only at the time of the hated death. Song 3, 197-199 However, unlike Nostradamus, it goes further, telling already about the fate of Syria, the tragic events in which are developing literally before our eyes: Now I am for you, miserable Syria, crying. The mind has left you, Thebes; terrible looming the sounds of loudly crying flutes, the trumpet menacingly echoes them – So You will see your land defeated in dust. Canto 7,115-118 The only thing could be surprising: Thebes today is in modern Egypt near Luxor. However, as you know, Egypt in recent events has suffered not much less than its own neighbors. Agreed with the sybil of Eritrea and the prophet Isaiah, who said: “Here Damascus is excluded from the number of cities, and will be a heap ruins “(Isa. 17: 1). EVERYTHING WILL BEGIN WITH SYRIA? Surprisingly, many military experts with whom I talked to the author in lately, firmly convinced that it was with the fall of Syria the so-called big war should begin. Agree with them and the prophets. So, someone Rev. Father Anthony, once good famous in Europe, in the last years of his life he remained in prayer and almost did not talk with others. In rare moments of communication, he talked about the fact that trouble will come from Syria. “When will they begin terrible events, start to pray, pray strongly. From there, from Syria will begin! After them, wait for grief with us, hunger and grief. ” The famous blind Bulgarian forecaster mentioned Syria Vanga: “… When the wild flower stops smelling, when a person lose compassion when river water becomes dangerous – then a general destructive war will break out … “;” … The war will be everywhere, between all nations. .. “;” … The ridge is hard times, people will share their faith. The oldest teaching will come into the world. They ask me when this will happen, whether soon? No, not soon. Yet Syria did not fall … “BEWARE THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA … The words of the prophets of the past and visions of clairvoyants who lived closer to today. So American the clairvoyant Raymond Aguilera in his Book of Prophecies stated: “… Beware of the continent of Africa, because the violence of this the continent will spread like a fire from North to South and from East to West.

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Violence and terror that the world has never seen or heard before. Because demonic forces are strong in Africa, and they are on freedom, but the intensity of demonic forces will increase as the approaching hour of the Ark … “At the same time correctly predicted French revolution, the appearance and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Joanna Southcott in 1815 stated: “When the East breaks out war, you know – the end is near. “ALL THE WINE OF MASON I wonder that a mysterious story has been going on the Internet for many years, not disproved and not confirmed by facts, but looking enough reliably. This is what it is about. Allegedly in August 1871 in Charleston a certain Supreme Council gathered, consisting of 11 major Masons. At the council, participants adopted a program to organize three world wars. Moreover, the last, third in a row, should have begun just in the Middle East during the conflict between the Arabs and by the Jews. After the war, the world should have passed into the hands world government. Indirectly confirmed this information Austrian clairvoyant Gottfried von Ver-denberg. Describing your realistic visions, he claimed in 1994: “Before the Third the world war will be the war in Africa – north against south … Germany, France, Italy and England accept many foreigners. A lot of countries they will experience riots, something like a civil war. Shortly before the outbreak of World War III many inhabitants of Eastern Europe and Southeastern Europeans rush to Western Europe. Islam will increase in strength and will provoke Christianity … “At the same time can not but inspire optimism the words of the Austrian regarding Russia’s future during the new world conflict: “Russia will remain politically stable, materialistic and atheistic. “The approximate scale of the future war described American clairvoyant Veronica Lucen, which was the Virgin Maria: “The Mother of God now looks sad. I see, she points on what looks like a map. Oh my god! .. the future will begin big war. It will coincide with the war in the Middle East … Syria will be the key to peace or World War III. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is on fire because of the ball Atonement. “If the words of many prophets are true, then the nearest the future of mankind seems really scary. Few Moreover, some sources stubbornly link the upcoming war with biblical Armageddon. Discovered in 1947 in the Dead seas the so-called Qumran manuscripts have prophecies about a number the wars that Israel will have to wage before the end of the world. If believe the manuscripts, the Israelis will have to fight with Iraq, Iran, the peoples of Africa, the East and the troops of the Antichrist. BE OR NOT TO BE? The prophecies we told you about are grain in the sea of ​​hundreds of archival evidence of ancient and modern prophets who promised the world a third world war. Let’s try draw conclusions. So. What awaits us ahead?

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After the war in Syria and a series of earthquakes in southern Europe in the world the last all-devastating nuclear war will begin, in which participation of 2/3 of humanity. However, it is interesting to note that, according to the vast majority of sources, a war will occur between Muslim Africa and Israel, which may support a number European countries and the USA. But be that as it may, Russia this time will remain aloof, obviously in reward for the huge losses in two past world wars. But, in spite of everything, I want to hope that the future, which is always multivariant, this time will be not develop in a tragic scenario. For this to the world the community just needs to stop supporting Syria’s separatists and help its legitimate government bring in This country has a constitutional order. Dmitry SIVITSKIY

Africa Venus War Time Egypt Earthquake Israel Iran Nostradamus Russia Saturn Syria Sun

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