Tambo – Giant Rice Drawings fields

A photo from open sources

Airplane propellers rotate faster and faster, small Passenger aircraft accelerates and slowly soars into the air. The intercom pilot announces: “Fly up.” Passengers – foreign tourists stick to the portholes: “Wonderful! Das Ist Fantastisch! Stunned! “. The plane flies over the rice fields of Japanese villages of Inakadate.

Residents of Inakadate Village have been growing rice for over 2,000 years. Still this is hard physical labor. But man does not live by bread alone. Craving for the beautiful lives in every person, regardless of his social status, income level and availability education.

A photo from open sources

In 1993, one of the peasants suggested sowing a field (15,000 sq.m.) with different varieties of rice so that the seedlings create a “picture”. No one in the village waved off, no one called the idea crazy. In that the year the peasants of Inakadat first “painted” in their field “picture”. So the art of creating panoramic paintings on paddy fields – tambo.

These were originally simple drawings, schematically depicting animals. But every year the “pictures” became all more difficult and today in the fields flaunt real masterpieces of painting. By as the artistic level of tambo specialists grew, so did and the fame of a Japanese village.

A photo from open sources

Enterprising representatives of small aviation began to arrange sightseeing flights to Inakadat. Peasants reacted to this calmly: “We are proud of our panoramas and are not going to hide them from people”.

Every year in early April, all the villagers gather and together decide what they will “draw” this time. Then they mark field and more than 700 people for several days knee-deep in they sow it with water in order to please the next world in six months “picture”.

In September, when the “pictures” begin to fill with natural paints in a small village with a population of less than 9,000 people up to 200,000 tourists come. To as many as possible guests were able to admire the “rice paintings”, residents built on the edge of the field observation towers.

A photo from open sources

Mona Lisa and Napoleon, Marilyn Monroe and Traditional Japanese stories delight tourists. Foreigners are still experiencing greater surprise when they find out that all this beauty is “artists” create by combining only 4 colors (4 varieties of rice).

The village of Inakadate very quickly lost a monopoly on its know-how. Residents of neighboring villages adopted the experience and now every year in autumn, a kind of art festival takes place in Aomori Prefecture tambo. In 2014, villages from neighboring prefectures.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Representatives of Japanese companies turn to residents every year Inacadate with very advantageous offers to place in the fields instead of art drawings advertising. But invariably every year farmers refuse and instead of earning on their own know-how money, “paint” in a rice field for free another masterpiece of painting. Not everyone in the world decides yen, dollars and Euro.

Posted by Klim Podkova


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