Photo from open sources
In the USSR, the tattoo was exclusively a prison culture. True, often she adorned her body and the military urgent service, which in the Soviet Union was much like a conclusion and the people even called it “honorary prison”.
Today, the tattoo migrated to the youth environment, and it became very fashionable. Tattoo is not just cool, but also a certain semantic a sign that allows you to stand out among others or, conversely, become belonging to some community.
However, tattoos are boring, a person’s views are changing, fashion fades into the background, but … a picture or an unpleasant sign on the body does not go anywhere – until his death. Given that we have skin epidermis per day discharges up to a million cells, not understood It remains, why does the tattoo come off?
About this and much more, regarding the tattoo (on one of Tahitian dialects this word means “drawing”), see small, but a very interesting video, from which it becomes clear, where did this culture come from – decorate with all kinds of symbols your skin, and is it possible to remove a tired tattoo from of your body.