Teleportation mechanism or why a person can pass through walls

A photo from open sources In each more or less detailed tutorial on atomic and nuclear physics describes a classic experiment interference of electrons on two slits. But since many visitors to this site may not be physicists, it is necessary to briefly recall the essence of this experiment. So, take a wide enough a plate, cut through it two closely spaced through slits, set the plate vertically, set the electronic in front of it a gun, and behind it a screen. And turn on the gun. If previously close one slot, then the electrons flying out of the gun pass through the remaining gap and draw a vertical strip on the screen. Then eat behave like little balls or grains of sand. Logically, if open the second slot, then on the screen next to the image of the first the second image should appear. But this is according to our everyday logic. And in the microworld, the logic is completely different. And when we open the second gap, the picture on the screen changes dramatically: now the whole the screen will be filled with alternating light and dark stripes, the brightness of which will gradually decrease from the center of the screen to its the periphery. Physicists explain this phenomenon as follows. An electron is not a small hard ball at all, as they thought in the 19th century, and a single wave of electromagnetic field, tension which falls from the maximum in the place where we find the particle, to zero at infinite distance. And in different conditions, this wave can manifest itself in different ways, showing completely different properties. Sometimes it can manifest itself as a wave with a pure wave properties, and sometimes as a particle (or corpuscle) with discreteness properties. When an electron flies through one slot, he manifests himself as a particle, that is, shows us his discrete properties. But when the second gap opens, the electron begins to behave like a wave and draws on the screen such interference picture that is inherent only to waves, but not separate corpuscles. Why is this happening, scientists to the end not found out. Therefore, today this fact is simply accepted as he is, without any attempt to explain him. But few people know that this The experiment was continued. Moreover, the continuation is so unusual, yielding such an amazing result, not fits into all the canons of objective reality, which in no physics textbooks do not talk about him. Continuation of the experiment consisted of the following. If a person stood at the screen, then the interference pattern from the two slots did not change until while the man was looking to the side. But as soon as he looked at the cracks, and the electrons immediately lost their wave properties and began to manifest discrete properties, that is, they painted on the screen an image of two cracks. And as soon as the human gaze was diverted to the side, the electrons acquired wave properties again and started again draw an interference picture. So man alone only with a glance did he change the nature of the electron from wave to discrete. But how exactly the human gaze could act on the electrons, through which mechanism? This phenomenon of the power of human consciousness over nature so did not fit into the framework of modern science (and still doesn’t fit) that they’re trying not to speak. Here is my explanation for this phenomenon. In many of my articles on this and other sites I spend the following thought: the main energy for one’s life is not obtained from breakfast, lunch and dinner, and from a physical vacuum (or how it used to be called – from the air). But energy cannot exist by itself by itself, she always needs some medium. therefore getting energy from ether-vacuum means acquiring the body this substance itself. At night, we draw in our surroundings ether, and in the afternoon we throw it out in the course of daily activities. It turns out something like ethereal breathing: inhale at night, exhale during the day. A how exactly do we throw out the ether-vacuum acquired at night? Evenly in all directions on the principle of a fire? If so, then many phenomena of human consciousness become impossible. In fact, we throw out the ether-vacuum of a greater part from the head, and a very significant part from our eyes. it happens continuously every second. But coming from our eyes the ether-vacuum flow is so weak that it can only act to the smallest objects, such as electrons. When standing by the experimenter casts a glance at the slit emitted from eye, the ether-vacuum flow acts on the electrons so that those begin to manifest themselves as particles. Why? And most likely because that a person perceives himself not as a wave, but as limited in space discrete object with clearly defined the borders. And involuntarily he sets the electrons exactly the same the program. But besides the physical body, man also has a soul. If the physical body can still be considered as consisting of matter (although for me this situation is a big question), our It is already impossible to imagine such a soul. The soul is more like a field formation, that is, a clot of a certain field. There are special tricks and techniques for bringing the soul out of the physical body (astral projection or out-of-body experience). When we go outside of our physical body, our old stereotype of identifying ourselves with the physical body ceases to work (albeit not immediately, but ceases). And now we begin to identify with the soul. A soul like me just wrote, this is a field education. And if in such state we will act on the electrons, now we transmit him another program, field. For such an impact, you just need put the desired item inside your soul, for example, inside your astral arm. From my own experience of observations, I was convinced that our soul (or astral body) resembles a physical body in form with arms, legs, body and head. Therefore, holding out astral hand so that the desired item is completely inside the hand, we ensure that all the electrons, neutrons and protons of this subject change their nature with corpuscular to wave. A wave penetrates any walls and ceilings without problems. Today it is believed that the upper limit of length gamma radiation waves is 200×10 (-12m), and the bottom one is zero. If we calculate what should be the wavelength of the electron in the wave condition, then it will be equal to 2.4×10 (-12) m. And the wavelengths proton and neutron will be almost 1800 times less than the wavelength electron. This means that the electrons, protons and neutrons of any of a material object, being transferred to a wave state, will correspond to very hard gamma radiation with a giant penetration. In this case, all obstacles disappear to transfer this item through any of the thickest walls with light speed. This is how teleportation happens. Remember as eyewitnesses of the abduction of earthlings by pilots flying sometimes describe plates: a beam is drawn from the bottom of the apparatus, captures a person and lifts it aboard the apparatus right through the walls. Our the nature of such a beam is still not understood by official science. I sure that such a ray is nothing short of astral by the hand of one of the UFO pilots. I’m sure because I’ve repeatedly stretched out his astral limbs up to 10-15 meters. True to so far I haven’t been able to transfer something with my astral hand, well so the evening has not yet come for me. Also me several times managed in such a state to “swell” his astral body, that it occupied almost the entire volume of the room in which I lay. And if it turns out to be possible in such a state to not only a foreign object, but also its own physical body (and why not?), then we get the opportunity to go through walls. And everything will happen in the strict framework of physics.


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