Where do people and objects disappear with teleportation? Photo from open sources “Teleportation” – a word that introduced Charles Fort in order to describe the phenomenon of transference items from one place to another without apparent use or participation of physical strength. Very large material collected over centuries about how people, other living things and objects sometimes transported over long distances, as they say, in no time. In his book Silent Road, a specialist in black magic, now the late Wellsley Tudor Pole spoke about a teleportation case, what happened to him. “In December 1952, I got off the train at suburban station about a mile and a half from my house in Sussex. The train from London arrived late, the bus had already left, and There was no taxi. It rained without stopping. It was five fifty minutes in the afternoon. They should have called me at six borders, and it was a very important call. Situation seemed hopeless. And what was really bad is that the phone is on the station didn’t work, because there was some damage on the line, and I didn’t could use it. In desperation, I sat on a bench in the hall expectations and began to compare the time on his watch and station. Given that at the station the clock is always paired minutes ahead, I decided that the exact time was 17 hours 57 minutes, then there is, in other words, there were three more minutes left until 18:00. What then happened, I can not say. When I came to, I stood in the lobby his home, which was a good twenty minutes away walk. At this time, the clock began to beat six. Minute per minute the phone rang. After I finished the conversation, I realized that something very strange happened and then to his great to my surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them, and the clothes were also completely dry. “It must be assumed that The pole was mysteriously transferred to his home, for really wanted to be home, and he no conscious effort for did not do this. If this could happen spontaneously, then why teleportation can not happen by strong-willed order? It turns out – maybe! Chinese Zhang Baosheng owned extrasensory, psychokinetic and some other unusual abilities. He has repeatedly demonstrated phenomena teleportation, materialization, dematerialization, when any the item disappeared from one place and appeared in another (or in the same itself). The most careful observations regarding these phenomena were held in December 1982 – May 1983 by a group of 19 researchers led by Professor Lin Shuhuan with physical Faculty of Beijing Pedagogical Institute. Upon observation transceiving means of video recording of events were used radio devices, x-ray equipment, various chemical labels and so on. In these strict conditions, Zhang’s ability was confirmed Baosheng “pull” from sealed containers alone and “transfer” to other various pre-marked small items: watches, photographic film, sheets of writing paper, chemically active substances and even live insects! Sometimes items simply disappeared for a while (from a few minutes to hours or more), after which they arose again – in the same place or in another location. It turned out that with the “transfer” photo materials do not lit up. Movement of mechanical watches for the entire time of their disappearance (for 30 min 43 sec) has not changed, but the electronic clock for those 9 The minutes they disappeared were 7.5 minutes behind. Fruit flies that disappeared for a period of 11 to 73 minutes remained alive in for several days. But perhaps the most interesting was the result of 15 observations of disappearance and the advent of a small matchbox-sized self-powered radio transmitter broadcasting in the range of 1 up to 193 megahertz. Time needed for extinction radio transmitter, ranged from 1 to 56 minutes, the duration of his disappearance ranged from 24 to 88 minutes. All what was happening was recorded using a VCR, work transmitter direction finding with special equipment. For ever the disappearance of the transmitter disappeared and the radio signal. It was noticed that after the appearance of the transmitter, his batteries were almost discharged. Since 1984, Zhang Baosheng, like several others outstanding psi-gifted subjects, became a full-time employee 507th Institute. He lived on its territory and enjoyed many inaccessible to ordinary Chinese goods. His unusual abilities repeatedly demonstrated to the highest party and military leadership of the PRC. For those civilian researchers that previously worked with him, he became almost inaccessible. In the meantime The 507th institute received results in higher education with Zhang Baosheng degrees are unusual. In 1987, it became known about filming, held at 400 frames per second showing passage of labeled medicinal tablets through sealed a glass vessel, including the penetration process itself, which took only three frames. This film was awarded the Chinese Prize space research departments, which is considered an important feature support for psi research by the military. Of the mysterious Cases related to human teleportation, I would especially highlight the story of the prisoner Hadad, held in one of the most United States Severe Prisons – Fort Leavenworth. Hadad was in black. His personable appearance and exquisite manners contrasted with how other inhabitants looked and held this gloomy place. Perhaps this was due to the fact that once Hadad studied at Oxford. The prisoner delivered from time to time the concern of the prison administration, disappearing from the locked cell, then from a carefully guarded and closed to several constipation prison cars. True, with such disappearances the prison authorities managed to reconcile herself and did not raise alarm – every time Hadad soon he appeared at the gates of the prison, asking to let him in, apologizing, that he was lost along the way or was forced to leave the cell. IN one of the cases described by the researcher, Hadad disappeared as out of his way with all the prison precautions locked cameras to attend a concert in the nearby city of Kansas city. That is how he explained his next disappearance to the director the prison before which he appeared, as in other cases, himself, returning after the concert. Director who started already annoying all this, began to gloomily reprimand him that the sentence, which he is serving excludes such absences. – But sir, – Hadad objectively protested, but I returned. I always come back. I am not going to avoid punishment. To whom I did badly by doing So? No one even knows that I was not here. Which administrator, what prison director would these speeches convince? Two weeks of solitary confinement – such was the punishment imposed Hadad this time. A week after Hadad was placed alone, study author Wilson and another prison doctor urgently called to the floor where his cell was. It turned out already for several days Hadad did not respond to appeals through the window. When the door was opened, everyone saw Hadad hanging in a loop made of uniform prison belt worn by the guards. Wherein it turned out that the guard who had just opened the door to his own perplexed, was suddenly without a belt. Both doctors examined Hadad, stated a complete absence of signs of life, and the body was moved to the prison morgue. A few days later the same doctors in accompanied by two more came to the morgue to perform an autopsy. But when one of them brought a scalpel to get down to business, Hadad suddenly got up and sat down. The doctor dropped the scalpel in horror and crossed himself. Hadad opened his eyes and said: “Gentlemen, I have preferred you wouldn’t do it. “Wilson and his colleagues several times after that they talked to him. He once again demonstrated ability to voluntarily completely terminate all life body functions: heart and breathing stopped, the pupil did not respond to the light, with an incision on the body that the doctors did, did not even go blood. Hadad also demonstrated other amazing abilities, and in at the end, invited his interlocutors to introduce them to their art, It was, however, not about mastering any skill, knowledge or techniques, but about a certain ritual (“bloody ritual”, Hadad explained). Having passed the initiation, a person, according to Hadad, receives the whole spectrum the inexplicable abilities that he possesses, including ability to teleport – to move in space in its own way desire. People do not stop disappearing, Some disappear once and for all of their own or others, others unexpectedly return. And of course, those who return consider it their duty to explain this extinction. However, some of these explanations are not only not clarify the circumstances of the disappearance, but also ask new puzzles. Author: “Interesting newspaper. Incredible” №13 2013
China Teleportation Time