A photo from open sources
In Kenya, on Lake Rudolph, there is the Enwaitenet Island, which the language of the local Elmolo tribe means “irrevocable.” Total several kilometers in length and as many in width. Locals do not settle on it, considering it a “cursed place.” In 1935 in Kenya worked the expedition of the English explorer Vivian Fush. Two of his colleagues – Martin Sheflis and Bill Dyson – went to Mysterious Island. 15 days passed, but scientists did not return. Concerned Fush sent rescuers there. They did not find any traces of their comrades – only an abandoned Aboriginal village. Isle looked completely empty. A plane was called that circled island for two days. However, no one was found. Local residents told Fush the legend that once on the island people settled, fished, hunted, traded their goods with relatives living on the mainland. However over time they stopped showing up on the shore. Then from the coastal village Loinglani sent a “raft” to “intelligence”. Arrived on the island dumbfounded: they were waiting for a completely empty village with huts, inside of which things were lying, a fish was decomposing near an extinct fire … have people gone? Envoys most likely left the island, not wanting tempt fate more. Since then, I did not risk going there nobody but birds. The mysterious disappearances of people, according to such stories sometimes happen in front of witnesses. August 23 1915, not far from Constantinople preparing for battle military parts supposedly saw the appearance and then disappearance in strange thick “clouds” of the entire enemy regiment. Similar case occurred in October 1943. According to the famous American Charles Berlitz, anomalies researcher, US Navy conducted an experiment in which a military disappeared from the Philadelphia dock ship, and after a few moments appeared in the dock Norfolk Newport in the Portsmouth area. This distance is several hundreds of miles. Then the ship disappeared again and immediately returned to Philadelphia. The team that has been on board the ship all this time, failed to help investigations into this event: half of the sailors and the officers went crazy; the rest were found dead. This the mysterious incident that allegedly took place actually lay in The basis of the feature film “The Secret Experiment”. What is this was – a massive hallucination or something else? American History of Sientist weekly describes a case where 30 July 1960, in Picton, Ontario, in the presence of relatives and neighbors disappeared 13-year-old boy, and after a few days was discovered at the same place. Alan Heineck, famous astronomer and UFO researcher, published a whole collection of similar cases of “disappearances and abductions”, calling them “closed contacts” with a third nature. “Many of these cases are thoroughly documented. Like, for example, the story of Betty’s disappearance and Bernie Hill, residents of Whitfield (New Hampshire). In September 1961 they were driving home from vacation, when they suddenly saw randomly moving in the sky two bright light bulbs, as if following their car. After some time, having seen from these marbles of all miracles, Bernie and Betty suddenly fell half asleep. Recovering, they realized that two days have passed and they are a hundred miles from where have stopped. Then they remembered that they had visited a certain “ship”, where there was a lot of light and “unearthly creatures” entangled them “tentacle rays,” as if they wanted to enlighten right through. Similar “Sensations” appear in Russian newspapers. It was reported, for example, about how a resident of Perm Olga Volkova was abducted several times foreign creatures, “scanned her brain,” tried to implant under the skin is a kind of device, but the woman resisted and ran away. Five-year-old twins Sonya and Tanya Komarov from Saratov allegedly disappeared from the premises of the kindergarten and suddenly appeared there in three half an hour when the police were already raised to their feet. Girls they didn’t remember anything, but when they began to question more biasedly, reported that “the sun spun in the ceiling and ate them.” Everything was written off to “cosmic forces.” And Oksana Nerazova from Moscow left for shop, and woke up three days later, a hundred kilometers from home. And also told reporters a lot of amazing details about her communication with some strange creatures of “apparently unearthly origin.” “When investigating abnormal phenomena, it is important to maintain a critical attitude to this kind of information and carefully check it, – believes Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute problems of ecology and evolution of RAMS, professor of Moscow State University Rudolf Nesmelov. -I knew a woman who talked about her conversations with “brothers mind, “who abducted her right out of bed, about how she, obeying their “call”, walked 15 kilometers through the forest mud … And then, they say, returned home – and the shoes are clean! Doubts of veracity she did not have these sensations. And this is necessary to clarify the truth. As a rule, when analyzing phenomena, it turns out that “bright light spots in the sky “are atmospheric phenomena or the lights of a flying the plane. “Glowing balls” in the evening turn out to be planets – for example, Saturn and Jupiter, often observed with the naked eye, and if you go by car, it seems that the planet moves parallel to you. This is exactly what happened in the case of Bernie and Betty Hill. Usually people who think they have seen UFOs, and even those who were on board cannot distinguish a flying airplane from traffic light. And creatures with bald heads, tentacles, changing their size and “scanning” their body, as it turns out with careful learning is just a form of mystical visions or sensations, based on strong psychological prejudices. “However, this it doesn’t mean that miracles are impossible: they just often have a clear scientific explanation. For example, scientists from the Biophysical Center at Research Institute of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation put up very interesting experiments in areas of quantum teleportation – instant transfer of information about biological object at any distance. So far, the object is laboratory mice, but the results already allow us to conclude: then, what Albert Einstein predicted a hundred years ago, and then many times beat science fiction writers, quite possibly. All this, though almost unattainable, the current laws of physics are not at all does not contradict.
Island Time Fish Aircraft Teleportation