Texas hunter finds dead chupacabra

Texas Hunter Found Dead ChupacabraPhotos from open Sources Still no hunter in the world has been able to kill mythical beast – chupacabra. True, there were messages of such a plan, however, in reality, the killed beast turned out to be, or simply some mutant, or his DNA was not tested at all, which is not allowed us to confidently state what it is business.

And then a Texas hunter Philip Oliver found a dead Chupacabra, which even in such a harmless state looks just awful. Philip’s dogs smelled the beast and became unnatural bark loudly. They brought the hunter to the place where the creek lay this is a strange creature, already dead.

Oliver has a biologist degree, so he went to the definition of the beast with all the rigor of a real scientist. However he I could not determine what it is, if not mythical chupacabra. His colleagues at Texas State University suggested that it was a coyote that could lose hair due to a disease that accelerated his demise.

A photo from open sources

Coyote, says Philip, is too small to equal discovered mysterious beast. Many biologists who have already studied find a texas photograph hunter also believe that this the beast is not a coyote, but no one can even guess what is it in that case?

As one of Philip’s colleagues, biologist Jonah Evans, said only A DNA test will show whether this is a new kind of animal or not. Alleged chupacabra was found by Oliver as early as May 31, and DNA tests with this beast has long been taken. Now you just have to wait result. In the meantime, chupacabra is stored in the refrigerator hunter scientist.

But immediately another question arises: why is still no one did not find dead chupocabras? If this mystical beast can do this as clever as, say, yeti, hiding from a person, how so he screwed up this time?

Chupacabra DNA

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